Baptist Standard Hymnal with Responsive Readings (0)
Denomination: National Baptist Convention - Published by Unknown Publisher
1. A Charge to Keep I Have by Lowell Mason (1832)
1. Father, we praise thee, now the night is over by
2. A few more marchings weary by
3. The work must go on by
4. A Mighty Fortress is our God by Martin Luther
5. A Parting Hymn We Sing by Johann G. Nageli
6. The sinner and the song by
7. Take hold of the lifeline by
8. Abide with Me by Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk
9. Again, as evening's shadow falls by
10. Again the morn of gladness by
11. Ah how shall fallen man by
12. At The Cross by Isaac Watts, Ralph E. Hudson
13. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name by Edward Perronet/Oliver Holden
14. All People That on Earth Do Dwell by Louis Bourgeois (or William Kethe & Scottish Psalt
15. All praise to him who built the hills by
16. All is mine by
17. All The Way My Savior Leads Me by Fanny J. Crosby, 1875
18. Come to the feast by
19. All to Jesus I Surrender by Winfield S. Weeden (1896)
20. Almost Persuaded Now to Believe by Philip P. Bliss
21. Along the devious ways of life by
22. Am I a Soldier of the Cross? by Thomas A. Arne
23. Amazing Grace! by John Newton
24. Amazing sight, the Savior stands by
25. Amid the trials which I meet by
26. Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in glory by Alec Wyton, b. 1921
27. And am I born to die by
28. And are we yet alive by Johann G. Nägeli
29. And can I yet delay by
30. And must I be to judgment brought by
31. And must I part with all I have by
32. And must this body die by
33. And will the great eternal God by
34. And will the Judge descend [ascend] by
35. Angels are always singing by
36. Angels, from the realms of glory by Henry Thomas Smart, 1813-1879
37. Another soldier gone to get a great reward by
38. Another year of labor by
39. Are you heavy hearted, are you sore distressed by
40. Are you meeting with a smile all your trials by
41. Art thou weary, art thou languid by
42. Asleep in Jesus Blessed sleep by Margaret Mackay
43. The handwriting on the wall by
44. Awake, And Sing The Song by William Henry Monk, 1823-1889
45. Awake, glad soul, awake, awake by
46. Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun by Thomas Ken and Melody Fracois H. Barthelemon
47. Awake, My Soul, in Joyful Lays by
48. Awake my soul, stretch every nerve by
49. Awaked by Sinai's awful sound by
50. Be not dismayed whate'er betide by Civilla Durfee Martin
51. Because the Lord of earth and sky by
52. Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme by Isaac watts
53. Behold what wondrous grace by
54. Beyond the smiling and the weeping by
55. Blessed Assurance by Fanny J. Crosby and Phoebe P. Knapp
56. Blest Are the Pure In Heart by John Keble & William John Hall
57. Blest Be the Tie That Binds by John Fawcett and Johann G. Nageli
58. Blest feast of love divine by
59. Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow by Lewis Edson (ca. 1782)
60. Bound upon the accursed tree by
61. Brave men are needed for Christ today by
62. Bread of heaven on Thee we feed by Josiah Conder
63. Break Thou the Bread of Life by William F. Sherwin
64. Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning by James P. Harding (1892)
65. Brightly beams our Father's mercy by Philip P. Bliss
66. Broad is the road [stream] that leads to death [wrath] by
67. I don't feel no ways tired by
68. Builder of mighty worlds on worlds by
69. Buried beneath the yielding wave by
70. By cool Siloam's shady rill by
71. Comfort in trouble by
72. Calm on the listening ear of night by
73. Can I ever forget mother's beautiful face by
74. Can it be right for me to go by
75. Cast Your Burden on the Lord by Louis M. Gottschalk (1867; arr.)
76. Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation by Joachim Neander
77. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
78. Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy by
79. Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove by
80. Come, Holy Spirit, come; Let thy bright beams divine by
81. Come, Holy Spirit, Dove [Guest] divine, On these baptismal waters shine by
82. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
83. Someone's last call by
84. Come, O my soul [souls], in sacred [joyous] lays by
85. Come, saith [said] [says] Jesus' sacred voice by
87. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson, 1758
88. Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now by
89. Come to the Savior, Make No Delay by
90. Come, trembling sinner, in whose breast by
91. Come, women, wide proclaim by
92. Come, ye that know and fear the Lord by
93. Come, Ye Disconsolate by Samuel Webbe
94. Come ye sinners poor and needy by Joseph Hart
95. Come, Ye Thankful People by George J. Elvey
96. Come, ye that love the Lord [Christ], And let your joys by
97. Coming, coming, yes, they are by
98. Dark was the night, and cold the ground by
99. Day is dying in the west by William F. Sherwin (1877)
100. Dear Jesus ever at my side, How loving must by
101. Dear [Well] Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole by
102. Depth of mercy, can there be, Mercy still reserved for me? by
103. Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, Help by
104. Work on, pray on by
105. Can the world see Jesus in you by
106. Don't you know that Jesus knows all your care by
107. Down to the sacred wave by
108. Dreaming, still dreaming by
109. Dying souls that perish on the wastes of sin by
110. Eternal Spirit, God of truth by
111. Eternal Spirit, we confess by
112. Be in earnest by
113. Every prayer will find its answer by
114. Surely he died on Calvary by
115. Fade, fade, each earthly joy by
116. Harvest fruits by
117. Faith of Our Fathers by Henri F. Henry (1864)
118. Faith of Our Fathers by Henri F. Henry (1864)
119. Father, I stretch my hand [hands] to thee by
120. Father, whate'er of earthly bliss by
121. Flee, as a bird, to your [yon] mountain by
122. Fling out the banner let it float Sky by George Washington Doane
123. Forever with the Lord [our God], amen, so let it be by
124. Forward be our [thy] watchword, steps [hearts] and voices by
125. Fresh from the throne of glory by
126. From every stormy wind that blows by Hugh Stowell
127. From Greenland's icy mountains by Lowell Mason
128. Gently, Lord, O gently lead us by
129. Give Of Your Best To The Master by Charlotte A. Barnard
130. Give to the winds thy fears by
131. Glorious things of thee are spoken by Franz Joseph Haydn
132. Glory and praise and honor by
133. Glory be to God the Father by Walter G. Whinfield, 20th C. (adapt.)
134. Glory to God on high, Let praises fill the sky by
135. Go, bury thy sorrow, The world hath its share by
136. Go, labor on, spend and be spent by
137. Go preach my gospel, saith the [my] Lord by
138. Go to dark [sad] Gethsemane by
139. God be with you till we meet again by William G. Tomer (1880)
140. God bless our native land, Firm may she by
141. God bless our native land, With righteous might by
142. God calling yet, shall I not hear by
143. Something new each day by
144. God hath sent his angels to the earth again by
145. God, in the gospel of his Son by
146. God Is Love; His Mercy Brightens by John Bowring and John Stainer
147. God is the refuge of his saints by
148. God Moves in a Mysterious Way by William Croft
149. God, My King, Thy Might Confessing by Richard Mant and C. Friedrich Witt
150. God of our fathers, Whose almighty hand by George William Warren, 1828-1902
151. God of our strength, enthroned above by
152. God save America, New world of glory by
153. God's holy law transgressed by
154. Grace, 'tis a charming [cheering] [joyful] [pleasing] sound by
155. Great God, and wilt thou condescend by
156. Great God, attend, while Zion sings [children sing] [here we sing] by
157. Great God, how infinite art thou by
158. Great King of nations, hear our prayer by
159. Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah by William Williams
160. Hail, thou long expected Jesus by
161. Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus by
162. Hail to the Brightness by Thomas Hastings
163. Hark, from the tomb [tombs] a doleful [warning] [mournful] sound by
164. Hark, my soul, it is the Lord by
165. Hark, ten thousand harps and voices by
166. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing by Felix Mendelssohn
167. Hark! the herald angels sing, Jesus, the light of the world by
168. Hark, the voice of Jesus crying Who will go and work today by
169. Hark, the voice of love and mercy by
170. Hark, there comes a whisper by
171. Hark 'tis the Shepherd's voice I hear by
172. Have courage, my brother, to trust him by
173. Have thy [thine] affections been nailed to the cross by
174. Have you labored for the glory by
175. He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought by Joseph H. Gilmore
176. He lives, the great Redeemer [Creator] lives by
177. He that goeth forth with weeping, Bearing [sowing] precious seed in love by
178. One touch of his hand by
179. Hear us, Father, when we pray by
180. Heavenly Father, bless us today by
181. Here am I, O Master, ready to be used by
182. The path by
183. His love is more than all my dreams by
184. Ho, my comrades, see the signal waving by
185. Holy Bible, Book Divine by William B. Bradbury
186. Holy Ghost, with light [love] [power] divine by
187. Holy God, we praise your name by Ignace Franz & Hugh Thomas Henry
188. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty by Bishop Reginald Heber, 1827
189. Holy Spirit, faithful Guide by Marcus M. Wells
190. Holy Spirit from on high by
191. Home at last, Life's voyage o'er by
192. How beauteous are their feet by Isaac Watts
193. How beauteous were [are] the marks divine by
194. How charming is the place by
195. How did my heart rejoice to hear by
196. How Firm a Foundation by Rippon
197. How gentle God's commands by Hans G. Nägeli, 1773-1836
198. How happy are they, Who the [their] Savior [Jesus] obey by
199. How long, O Lord, shall evil triumph by
200. How oft, alas, this wretched [sinful] [wicked] heart by
201. How precious is the book divine by William Gardiner (1812; Arr.)
202. How strong thine arm is, mighty God by
203. Brotherly Love by Dan Peek
204. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds by Thomas Hastings
205. How tedious and tasteless [restless and tiresome] the hours by
206. How to reach the masses by
207. I am coming to the cross, I am poor by
208. I'm on the shining pathway by
209. I am on my way to glory by
210. I am resolved no longer to linger by James H. Fillmore
211. Jesus Loves Even Me by Philip P. Bliss
212. The old fashioned faith by
213. I Am Thine, O Lord by William H. Doane
214. I am thinking today of that beautiful land by John R. Sweney
215. I can hear my Savior calling by John S. Norris
216. In the Garden (I Come to the Garden Alone) by C. Austin Miles (1913)
217. I dearly love my Savior now by
218. Make Me a Blessing by George S. Schuler
219. I Gave My Life for Thee by Philip P. Bliss
220. Mother's prayers have followed me by
221. I feel like going on by
222. I hear the Saviour say Thy strength by Elvina Mable Reynolds Hall (Myers)
223. I Hear Thy Welcome Voice by Lewis Hartsough
224. The still small voice by
225. I heard the voice of Jesus say by John B. Dykes
226. I know my Lord will come by
227. I know that my Redeemer lives And ever by Charles Wesley
228. I know that my Redeemer lives, he lives who once was by
229. Power In The Blood by Lewis E. Jones
230. I lost the thing I craved so much by
231. I love the Lord, he heard my cries by
232. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord by Aaron Williams
233. I love to tell the story, how Christ, the King by
234. I Love to Tell the Story by William G. Fischer
235. I Must Tell Jesus by Elisha A. Hoffman
236. I need thee every hour, most gracious Lord by
237. My mother's prayer by W. S. Weeden
238. I saw a wayworn traveler by
239. I think, when I read that sweet story of old by
240. I wandered on in my own way by
241. I was a sinner but now I'm free by
242. I was a wandering sheep by John Zundel, 1815-1882 (1855)
243. A sinner like me by
244. I would not live alway [always], I ask not to stay by
245. If you keep your heart a-singing by
246. I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stranger, I can tarry by
247. I'm but a stranger [traveler] here, heaven is my home by
248. I'm glad salvation's free by
249. I'm not ashamed to own my Lord by Isaac Watts
250. Higher Ground by Charles H. Gabriel
251. Promise to Meet Me There by
252. My Record Will Be There by
253. Meet Mother in the Skies by
254. In a lowly manger sleeping, calm and still by
255. In all my Lord's appointed ways by
256. In all my vast concerns with thee by
257. In evil long I took delight by
258. In the awful sea of sin I was sinking fast by
259. In the Christian's home in [of] glory by
260. In the Cross of Christ I glory by Ithamar Conkey
261. In the hollow of his hand, he will hid me by
262. In the hour of trial by Spencer Lane (1879)
263. Following on by
264. Hide thou me by
265. Inscribed upon the cross we see by
266. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear by Edmund H. Sears 1849 Richard S. Willis, 1850
267. It may not be on the mountain [mountain's] height, Or over the stormy sea by
268. The old time religion by
269. I've a home prepared where the saints abide by
270. I've Found a Friend, O Such a Friend by George C. Stebbins
271. The Lily of the Valley by William S. Hays
272. I've reached the land of corn and wine by John R. Sweney
273. Never Alone by Mercy Me
274. Jerusalem my happy home When shall by F. B. P.
275. Jerusalem, the glorious, the glory of the elect by
276. Jesus, and shall it ever be by Thomas B. Southgate (1855)
277. Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult by David Hurd, b. 1950
278. All I Need by Method Man
279. Jesus, delightful, charming name by
280. Jesus I love and praise and adore by
281. Jesus, I love thy charming name by
282. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken by
283. Jesus invites his saints by
284. Near the cross by William H. Doane (1869)
285. Jesus knows when heavy burdens by
286. Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly by
287. Jesus Meek And Gentle by
288. Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry by
289. Jesus saves me by
290. Jesus Savior, Pilot Me by John E. Gould (1871)
291. Jesus shall reign where'er the sun by John Hatton, d. 1793
292. Jesus, the very thought of thee by John B. Dykes
293. Jesus, thou art the sinner's friend by
294. Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts by Henry Baker (1854)
295. Jesus, thou mighty Lord, great is thy name, still by
296. Jesus, thy name I love by
297. Jesus, we thus obey by
298. Jesus, where'er thy people meet by Author Unknown
299. Joy to the world! by George Frederick Handel (1742)
300. Just As I Am by Phillip Landgrave
301. Keep On Praying by Ramon Pink
302. Just to know that Jesus loves me by
303. Knocking, knocking, who is there, waiting, waiting by
304. Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom by
305. Let every mortal ear attend by
306. Life's Railway To Heaven by Russ Taff
307. Lift up, lift up your voices now by J. Baptiste Calkin (1872)
308. Light of the world, we hail thee by
309. Walk in the light of God by
310. Let the Master use you by
311. Lo he comes with clouds descending by
312. Lo what a cloud of witnesses by
313. Lo what a glorious sight appears by
314. Naught but the blood can avail by
315. Look up when all the way is dark by
316. Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing by John Fawcett, Melody Sicilian
317. Lord, I care not for riches, neither silver nor gold by
318. Lord, I have started to walk in the light by
319. Lord, I hear of showers of blessing by
320. Keep me every day by Emmet S. Dean
321. Lord, I would come to thee by
322. Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear My voice ascending high by
323. I'm willing to be thine by
324. Lord of hosts, to thee we raise by
326. God still leadeth me by
327. Lord, thou hast searched, and seen me [us] through by
328. Lord, we are pleading, pleading for power by
329. Lord, We Come Before Thee Now by
330. Lord, when we bow before thy throne by
331. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling by Charles Wesley
332. Love, love, wonderful love hath the Father shown by
333. Christ Arose! by Robert Lowry (1874)
334. Magnify Jehovah's [the Eternal's] name by
335. Majestic sweetness sits enthroned upon the Savior's brow by
336. Battle hymn of the Republic by William Steffe
337. More About Jesus by Eliza Edmunds Hewitt
338. More holiness give me by
339. More Like Jesus Would I Be by William H. Doane
340. More Love to Thee, O Christ by William H. Doane
341. Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone by George N. Allen
342. My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty by
343. My days are gliding swiftly by by
344. My dear Redeemer, and my Lord by
345. My faith looks up to thee by Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
346. Child of a King by
347. My God, how endless is thy love by Author Unknown
348. My God, I love Thee, not because I hope for heaven by
349. My God, my Father, blissful [blessed] [cheering] name by
350. My God, my Father [My God and Father], while [whilst] [though] I stray [pray] by
351. Hymn for Confirmation by
352. My God, the spring of all my joys by
353. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less by Edward Mote
354. My Jesus [Father] [Savior], as thou wilt by
355. My Jesus I Love Thee by William R. Featherston
356. My life, My Love I Give to Thee by C. R. Dunbar
357. Let me walk with thee by
358. My soul be on thy guard by
359. The haven of rest by Geo. D. Moore
360. Nearer My God To Thee by Sarah Fuller Flower Adams & Edward Henry Bicke
361. Nearer, Still Nearer, Close to Thy Heart by Lelia N. Morris
362. Never lose sight of Jesus by
363. No room in the inn by
364. Not all the blood of beast [beasts], On Jewish altars by
365. Not to condemn the sons of men did Christ the son by
366. Nothing between my soul and the [my] Savior by
367. Nothing but leaves the spirit grieves by
368. The great Redeemer lives by
369. Now in parting, Father, bless us by
370. Now is the accepted time by
371. Just a word for Jesus by
372. Now the day is over Night is drawing by Sabine Baring-Gould
373. Now to the Lord a noble [joyful] song by
374. O beautiful for spacious skies by Samuel Augustus Ward, 1848-1903
375. O Come, All Ye Faithful by John Francis Wade
376. O come, sinner, come, there's room for thee by
377. O could I speak the matchless worth by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791
378. O do not let the Word depart, and close thine eyes by
379. O, for a [an] heart to praise [love] my God by
380. O for a closer walk with God by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
381. O, for a faith that will not shrink by
382. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing by Charles Wesley, 1707-88
383. O, for the friends and loved ones gone on by
384. O garden of Olivet, thou dear honored spot by
385. O God of Bethel, by whose hand by
386. O God of love, O King [God] of peace by
387. O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice by William McDonald
388. O holy Savior Friend unseen, since on thine arm by
389. O how I love thy holy law by
390. Memories of mother by
391. It's real by H. L. Cox
392. O Jesu [Jesus], thou art standing by
393. O Little Town of Bethlehem by Phillips Brooks, Lewis H. Redner
394. O love that casts out fear by Henry Thomas Smart, 1813-1879
395. O love that passeth knowledge, that doth by
396. O Love that wilt [will] not let me go by
397. O magnify the Lord with me, ye people of his choice by
398. O my soul, bless thou Jehovah by
399. O God Our Help In Ages Past by Isaac Watts, William Croft, Tommy Walker
400. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded by Hans Leo Hassler
401. The Star Spangled Banner by Acappella America
402. It will be glory up there by
403. O speed thee, Christian, on thy way by
404. O tender and sweet was the Master's [Father's] [Savior's] voice by
405. O that I knew the secret place by
406. The unclouded day by Rev. J. K. Alwood
407. O think of the home over there, By the side of the river by
408. O Thou almighty Father, Creator of us all by
409. Kept by the power of God by
410. O what amazing words of grace Are in the gospel found by
411. O what love the Savior for my soul has shown by
412. O [When] thou my righteous Judge shall [shalt] come by
413. O Word of God incarnate by
414. O Worship the King, All Glorious Above by William Kethe, William Gardiner, Robert H. Grant
415. O'er life's billows flying by
416. O'er the [those] gloomy hills of darkness by
417. The Old Rugged Cross by George Bennard
418. Calvary by Three Crosses
419. On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand by
420. On the mountain [mountain's] top appearing by
421. One [A] sweetly [sweet] solemn thought comes to me o'er and o'er by
422. One day at a time God gives us the year by
423. Only a step to Jesus, Then why not take it now by
424. Onward Christian Soldiers by Arthur S. Sullivan
425. Open my [mine] eyes that I may see Glimpses of truth by
426. ôTis finished, so the Savior cried, and meekly by
427. Our Father, through the coming year by
428. Our Helper, God, we bless his [thy] name by
429. Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus [Savior] is gone by
430. Over the ocean wave, far, far away by
431. Over the river faces I see by
432. Angels, get my mansion ready by C. Austin Miles
433. Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior by William H. Doane
434. Join in exultation by
435. Plunged in a gulf of dark [deep] despair by
436. Praise Him! Praise Him! by Fanny J. Crosby
437. Praise him, praise him, Lord of the earth by
438. Praise him, praise him, render heartfelt homage by
439. Praise, Lord, for thee in Zion waits by
440. Praise the lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him by Rowland H. Prichard
441. Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire by James Montgomery
442. Preach the gospel of salvation by
443. Prostrate dear Jesus at thy feet by
444. Glory and honor by
445. Rejoice and be glad, the Redeemer has come by
446. Rejoice in his great name by
447. Rescue the perishing, care for the dying by William H. Doane
448. Return, my wandering soul, return by
449. Ring the bells of heaven, there is joy today by
450. Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings by
451. Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee by
452. Death is only a dream by
453. Safe in the arms of Jesus, safe on his gentle breast by
454. Safely through another week by Lowell Mason (1824; alt. 1990)
455. Salvation, O the joyful sound by
456. Savior again to Thy dear name we raise by
457. Savior, bless us as we part, fill our souls with love divine by
458. Savior Lead Me Lest I Stray by
459. Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us by William B. Bradbury
460. Savior, more than life to me, I am clinging by
461. Savior, Thy dying love Thou gavest me by Robert Lowry (1871)
462. See that host all dressed in white by
463. Our King Immanuel by
464. Seeking the lost, yes, kindly entreating by
465. Servant of God, well done, rest by
466. Beautiful river by
467. Shall we go on to sin by
468. Shall we meet beyond the river, where the surges by
469. Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgive by
470. Silent Night by Joseph Mofr
471. Evening shades by
472. Deep settled peace by
473. Since the Lord has made you whole by
474. Sing, my soul, his wondrous love by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
475. Sing of the cross, the wondrous cross by
476. Wonderful Words of Life by Philip P. Bliss
477. Sinner [sinners] turn, why will ye die by
478. Sinner, what hast thou [has earth] to show by
479. Sister, thou wast [wert] mild and lovely by
480. Softly now the light of day by Carl Maria von Weber (1826; arr.)
481. Soldiers of Christ, Arise by Charles Wesley
482. Some year will be the last year by
483. Hallelujah, Jesus reigns by
484. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness by George A. Minor
485. What shall the harvest be by
486. Speed away, speed away on your mission of light by
487. Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus by George Duffield
488. Standing by a purpose true by Philip Paul Bliss
489. Standing on the promises of Christ our King by
490. Sun of My soul, Thou Savior Dear by John Keble
491. Sunset and evening star and one clear call for me by
492. Sweet Hour of Prayer by William W. Walford
493. Sweet is the memory of thy grace by
494. Sweet is the work, my [O] God, [and] [my] King by
495. Sweet the moments, rich in blessing by John Stainer (1887)
496. Swell the anthem, raise the song by
497. Take My Life and Let It Be by Frances Ridley Havergal
498. Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow by
499. That awful day will surely come by
500. The Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord by Samuel John Stone
501. The cross that he gave may be heavy by
502. The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear by
503. The great Physician now is near by William Hunter & Richard Kempenfelt
504. The head that once was crowned with thorns by Author Unknown
505. The King of love my Shepherd is Whose by Henry Williams Baker
506. The Lord has need of workers to fill his field today by
507. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know by
508. The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappears by
509. The name of Jesus is so sweet by William Clark Martin
510. The pity of the Lord by
511. The race that long in darkness pined by
512. The Savior kindly calls Our children by
513. The Son of God goes forth to war by Henry S. Cutler (1872)
514. The spacious firmament on high by Joseph Addison
515. The good news must be told by
516. The strife is o'er, the battle done by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
517. The [That] day of wrath, that dreadful day, When heaven by
518. Orders from the King by
519. There are many hearts aching neath loads by
520. There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall by
521. There is a land mine [my] eye [eyes] hath seen by
522. There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign by
523. There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing [speak] its worth by
524. The wondrous name of Jesus by
525. I never can forget by
526. Sunshine in the soul by
527. In His Name by Whiteheart
528. There was Naaman, the leper by
529. There's a day that is coming by
530. My mother's Bible by Charlie D. Tillman
531. The pearly white city by
532. Sweet by and by by Joseph P. Webster
533. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy by Frederick William Faber & Johann Ludwig Steiner
534. There's danger in the flowing bowl by
535. No, Not One by George C. Hugg
536. I'm happy with Jesus alone by Chas. P. Jones
537. They led him away to be crucified by
538. Around the great white throne by
539. Old time power by
540. Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old by
541. Thine forever, God of love by
542. Jesus saves by
543. This Is the Day by Les Garrett
544. We'll [I'll] overcome someday by
545. Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown by Timothy R. Matthews
546. Thou hast said, exalted Jesus [Savior] by
547. Thou my everlasting portion by
548. Yet there is room by
549. Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble by
550. Throw out the life line across the dark wave by
551. Thus far the Lord hath led me on by
552. Thy thoughts concerning me, O God by
553. Thy way, O Lord, no mine by
554. Thy Word is a lamp to my feet a light by Ernest Orlando Sellers
555. Time is filled with swift transition by
556. 'Tis a sweet and glorious thought that comes by
557. 'Tis faith supports my feeble soul by
558. 'Tis Midnight! and on Olive's Brow by William B. Bradbury (1853)
559. 'Tis not that I did choose thee by John Baptiste Calkin (1887; alt. 1990)
560. 'Tis the promise of God, full salvation to give by
561. 'Tis the story grand and true, of the Lord who died for you by
562. To bless thy chosen race, in mercy, Lord, incline by
563. To see his face, my Savior's face by
564. To the work, to the work, we are servants of God by
565. To thee be glory, honor, praise by
566. To thee, my righteous King and Lord by
567. To thy temple I repair by
568. Today the Savior calls, ye wanderers come by
569. Mutual aid by
570. 'Twas on that dark, that [and] doleful [awful] [dreary] night [day] by
571. Unanswered yet, the prayer your lips have pleaded by
572. Up to the bountiful [beautiful] Giver of life by
573. Upward I lift mine [my] eyes by
574. We are heralds of the Master by
575. Little workers by
576. We'll understand it better by and by by Charles Albert Tindley (ca. 1906)
577. We may not climb the heavenly steeps by
578. We plough [plow] the fields and scatter by
579. Revive Us Again by John J. Husband
580. We shall meet beyond the river, bye and bye by
581. We would see Jesus, for the shadows lengthen by Felix Mendelssohn
582. Welcome, delightful morn, Thou [Sweet] day of sacred rest by
583. Welcome, sweet day of rest by
584. We've A Story To Tell To The Nations by H. Ernest Nichol (1896)
585. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms by Anthony J. Showalter
586. What A Friend We Have In Jesus by Charles C. Converse
587. What are these [those] soul reviving strains by
588. What equal honors shall we bring by
589. What shall I do when the day is dark by
590. What shall I render to my God for all his kindness shown by
591. Right must win by
592. What various hindrances we meet by
593. When a sinner comes, as a sinner may by
594. When all thy mercies, O my God [gracious Lord] by
595. When, as returns this solemn day by
596. When billows of sorrow sweep over thy soul by
597. Jewels by
598. When I can read my title clear by
599. When I recall thy great blessings divine by
600. My loved ones are waiting for me by
601. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross by Lowell Mason
602. Had it not been for the Lord by
603. Will Jesus Find Us Watching? by
604. Where shall I be by
605. When morning gilds the skies My heart by Katholisches Gesangbuch tr/ad by Edward Caswall &a
606. When overwhelmed with grief by
607. When peace like a river attendeth my way by Horatio Gates Spafford
608. The heart that was broken for me by
609. In the resurrection morning by
610. Stand By Me by John Lennon
611. When our Lord shall come again by
612. When wounded sore the stricken soul [heart] by
613. When you are anxious and burdened by
614. Whenever you are bent with care by
615. A house for God by
616. Where will you spend eternity by
617. While Jesus whispers to you by
618. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Nahum Tate
619. While we pray and while we plead by Charles C. Case
620. Whither, O whither should [shall] I fly by
621. Who Is on the Lords' Side? by
622. Jesus the hope of the world by
623. Whosoever Heareth, Shout, Shout the Sound! by Philip P. Bliss
624. Why do we [ye] mourn departing [departed] [for dying] friends by
625. Why do you wait, dear brother by George F. Root
626. Why should we start and fear to die by
627. He's so sweet to me by
628. The song of wonderful love by
629. Work, for the night is coming, work through the morning hours by Anna Louisa Walker Coghill & Basil Jr. Manly t
630. His way with thee by
631. Ye Christian heroes [heralds], go proclaim by
632. Hold fast to the word by
633. Ye nations round [of] the earth, rejoice by
634. Yield not to temptation for yielding is by Horatio Richmond Palmer
635. You have wandered far on the desert lone by
636. Zion [Sion] stands by [with] hills surrounded by