The Song Book of The Salvation Army (0)
Denomination: The Salvation Army - Published by Unknown Publisher
2. All Creatures Of Our God And King by Francis of Assisi, William H Draper
3. All People That on Earth Do Dwell by Louis Bourgeois (or William Kethe & Scottish Psalt
4. Before Jehovah's awful throne by
5. Eternal God, our song we raise by
6. Eternal God, unchanging by
7. Fill thou my life, O Lord my God by Horatius Bonar, 1866
8. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise by Walter C. Smith
9. Jehovah is our strength by
10. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee by Henry Van Dyke
11. Let all the world in every corner sing by Robert G. McCutchan
12. Now Thank We All Our God by Martin Rinkart, Music by Johann C ruger
13. O God Our Help In Ages Past by Isaac Watts, William Croft, Tommy Walker
14. O Lord, I will delight in thee by
15. O Lord of heaven and earth and sea by Christopher Wordsworth, 1863
16. O Worship the King, All Glorious Above by William Kethe, William Gardiner, Robert H. Grant
17. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847), 1834
18. Praise to the Holiest in the height by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
19. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty by Joachim Neander
20. Stand Up and Bless the Lord by Aaron Williams
21. Through all the changing scenes of life by Nicholas Brady
22. To God be the glory, great things he hath done! by
23. What Shall I Render to My God by Lowell Mason (1832)
24. Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim by Johann Michael Haydn, 1737-1806
25. Each little flower that opens by Cecil Frances (Humphreys) Alexander
26. Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme by Isaac watts
27. Beyond the farthest bounds of earth by
28. For the beauty of the earth For the by Folliott Sandford Pierpont
29. God Moves in a Mysterious Way by William Croft
30. God of concrete, God of steel by
31. God speaks to us in bird and song by
32. God who touches earth with beauty, by
33. Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father by
34. Let us with a gladsome mind by Author Unknown
35. Morning has broken by Eleanor Farjeon
36. O bright eternal One by
37. O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder by Author Unknown
38. O Lord of every shining constellation by Albert F. Bayly
39. O mighty God! When I thy works consider by
40. Summer suns are glowing by
41. The little cares which fretted me by
42. This Is My Father's World by Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901
43. Come, let us all unite to sing by
44. Don't assume that God's dismissed you from his mind by
45. God gave his Son for me by
46. God loved the world of sinners lost by
47. God's love is as high as the heavens by
48. God's love to me is wonderful by
49. Have you ever stopped to think how God loves you? by
50. If human hearts are often tender by
51. Love has a language, all its own making by
52. Many are the things I cannot understand by
53. The King of love my Shepherd is Whose by Henry Williams Baker
54. The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want by Jesse Seymour Irvine (1872)
55. What shall I do my God to love by
56. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name by Edward Perronet/Oliver Holden
57. Come let us join our cheerful songs by Isaac Watts
58. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds by Thomas Hastings
59. I know thee who thou art by
60. Jesus, the name high over all by
61. Jesus, the very thought of thee by John B. Dykes
62. Let earth and Heaven agree by
63. Never fades the name of Jesus by
64. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing by Charles Wesley, 1707-88
65. Of all in earth or Heaven by
66. Take the Name of Jesus with You by William H. Doane
67. The great Physician now is near by William Hunter & Richard Kempenfelt
68. The name of Jesus is so sweet by William Clark Martin
69. There Is A Name I Love to Hear by Author Unknown
70. There is beauty in the name of Jesus by
71. Say, is there a name to live by by
72. A child this day is born by
73. All my heart this night rejoices by Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676), 1653
74. All our hearts rejoice this morning by
75. Angels, from the realms of glory by Henry Thomas Smart, 1813-1879
76. As With Gladness Men of Old by William C. Dix
77. Away In A Manger by James R. Murray
78. Christians awake, salute the happy morn by
79. Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus by Rowland H. Prichard
80. Do you know the song that the angel sang by
81. Hark the glad sound the Saviour comes by Philip Doddridge
82. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing by Felix Mendelssohn
83. It Came upon the Midnight Clear by Richard Storrs Willis (1850)
84. Joy to the world! by George Frederick Handel (1742)
85. O Come, All Ye Faithful by John Francis Wade
86. O Little Town of Bethlehem by Phillips Brooks, Lewis H. Redner
87. Once In Royal David's City by Cecil F. Alexander
88. See, amid the Winter's Snow by John Goss (1870)
89. Silent Night! Holy Night! by Franz Gruber (1818)
90. The First Noel by Traditional English Carol
91. They all were looking for a king by
92. When wise men came seeking for Jesus from far by
93. While shepherds watched their flocks by night by MacNeil Robinson II, b. 1943
94. A light came out of darkness by
95. Blessed are the poor in spirit by
96. Have you ever heard the story by
97. Jesus, good above all other by Adam of St. Victor (12th century);
98. Tell Me the Old, Old Story by William H. Doane (1869)
99. Tell Me the Story of Jesus by John R. Sweney
100. Thou art the way: to thee alone by George Washington Doane (1799-1859), 1824
101. Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown by Timothy R. Matthews
102. When Christ drew near to dwell with men by
103. When Jesus looked o'er Galilee by
104. Who Is He in Yonder Stall by Benjamin Russell Hanby
105. Alas! and did my Saviour bleed by
106. Arise, My Soul, Arise by Glad
107. Behold! behold the Lamb of God by
108. Behold him now on yonder tree by
109. Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus by
110. Hark, my soul! it is the Lord by William Cowper, 1768
111. I met the good Shepherd by
112. In the Cross of Christ I glory by Ithamar Conkey
113. It is the blood that washes white by
114. Jesus came down my ransom to be by
115. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross by William H. Doane
116. Jesus, thy blood and righteousness by Nicholaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, 1739
117. King of my life, I crown Thee now by William J. Kirkpatrick
118. Man of Sorrows! What a Name by Philip P. Bliss (1875)
119. Many thoughts stir my heart as I ponder alone by
120. Not All the Blood of Beasts by William Henry Walter (1825-1893) (1894)
121. O come and look awhile on him by
122. O love upon a cross impaled by
123. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded by Hans Leo Hassler
124. On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross by George Bennard
125. On Calvary's brow my Saviour died by
126. On Calvary's tree the King of Glory languished by
127. On every hill our Saviour dies by
128. On the Cross of Calvary by
129. Once, on a day, was Christ led forth to die by
130. Others he saved, himself he cannot save by
131. Silent and still I stand by
132. There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood by Lowell Mason (1830)
133. There is a green hill far away by William Horsley, 1744-1858
134. Was it for me, the nails, the spear by
135. We worship thee, O Crucified by
136. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross by Lowell Mason
137. When Jesus was born in the manger by
138. Within my heart, O Lord, fulfil by
139. Wonderful Story of Love by J. M. Driver
140. Would Jesus have the sinner die by
141. At the Name of Jesus by James Mountain
142. Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing by
143. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
144. I Know That My Redeemer Lives by John Hatton (1793)
145. In The Shadow Of The Cross by
146. Let us rejoice, the fight is won by
147. Look, Ye Saints! The Sight Is Glorious by William Owen
148. Low In The Grave He Lay by Robert Lowry
149. O joyful sound! O glorious hour by
150. Ride on, ride on in majesty by
151. The strife is o'er, the battle done by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
152. Thine Is the Glory by George Frederick Handel
153. This joyful Eastertide by Joachim Oudaen
154. 'Tis good, Lord, to be here by Joseph Armitage Robinson, 1888
155. Welcome, happy morning by
156. Crown Him With Many Crowns by George J. Elvey
157. Glorious things of thee are spoken by Franz Joseph Haydn
158. God is with us, God is with us by
159. Jesus comes! Let all adore him by
160. Jesus shall reign where'er the sun by John Hatton, d. 1793
161. Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending by
162. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord by
163. Not unto us, O Lord by
164. Rejoice, The Lord is King by John Darwall
165. See How Great a Flame Aspires by
166. Sing we the King who is coming to reign by
167. Ten thousand times ten thousand by Henry Alford, 1867
168. The head that once was crowned with thorns by Author Unknown
169. There is coming on a great day of rejoicing by
170. They shall come from the east by
171. Thine is the Kingdom, Lord by
172. Thy kingdom come, O God by Leighton George Hayne, 1836-1883
173. Yet once again, by God's abundant mercy by
174. All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine by Charles Villiers Stanford, 1852-1924
175. Beautiful Jesus, bright star of the earth by
176. Deep were the scarlet stains of sin by
177. Fairest Lord Jesus by Traditional
178. I Love to sing of the Saviour by
179. I Stand Amazed in the Presence by Charles H. Gabriel
180. I Will Sing of My Redeemer by James McGranahan
181. O Christ, who came to share our human life by
182. O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus by Thoro Harris
183. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness by John Samuel Bewley Monsell, 1863
184. Praise him! Praise him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer by
185. Son of God! Thy cross beholding by
186. There Is Never A Day So Dreary by Ernest O. Sellers
187. When Morning Gilds the Skies by Sir Joseph Barnby (1868)
188. All the guilty past is washed away by
189. Breathe On Me, Breath of God by Edwin Hatch (1835-1889)
190. Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove by
191. Come, thou everlasting Spirit by
192. For the mighty moving of thy Spirit by
193. Holy Spirit, hear us by
194. Holy Spirit, Truth Divine by Orlando Gibbons (1623)
195. Jesus is glorified by
196. Lord God, the Holy Ghost by
197. Near thy cross assembled, Master by
198. O Holy Ghost, on thee we wait by
199. O thou who camest from above by Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810-1876
200. Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed by Henriette Auber, 1829
201. Precious Saviour. we are coming by
202. Spirit of God, that moved of old by
203. Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame by
204. Who is it tells me what to do by
205. Blessed Lamb of Calvary by
206. Burning, burning, brightly burning by
207. Come, Holy Ghost, all-quickening fire by
208. Come, Holy Ghost, all sacred fire by
209. Come, Holy Spirit, thou guest of the soul by
210. Come, thou all-inspiring Spirit by
211. Descend, O Holy Spirit, thou by
212. Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me by Richard Redhead (1853)
213. Holy Ghost, we bid thee welcome by
214. I want the gift of power within by
215. I've felt a new and loving touch by
216. Lord, we believe to us and ours by
217. Spirit divine, attend our prayers by
218. Spirit divine, come as of old by
220. Holy, Holy, Holy by Reginald Heber
221. O Father and Creator by
222. On God's word relying by
223. The God of Abraham Praise by Daniel ben Judah tr/ad by Thomas Olivers
224. Thou, whose almighty word by Felice de Giardini, 1716-1796
225. Afar from Heaven thy feet have wandered by
226. Almost Persuaded Now to Believe by Philip P. Bliss
227. Are you seeking joys that will not fade by
228. Art thou weary, art thou languid by
229. Behold me standing at the door by
230. Boundless as the mighty ocean by
231. Come, every soul by sin oppressed by John H. Stockton
232. Come, O come with me where love is beaming by
233. Come, sinners, to Jesus, no longer delay by
234. Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast by
235. Come to the Saviour, make no delay by
236. Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish by
237. Dark shadows were falling by
238. Do you sometimes feel that no one truly knows you by
239. Hark! the gospel news is sounding by
240. Hark! the voice of Jesus calling by
241. Have you any room for Jesus by C. C. Williams
242. Have you heard the angels singing by
243. Have you seen the crucified by
244. In your heart of hearts are you a trifle weary by
245. Is it nothing to you that one day Jesus came by
246. Is there a heart o'erbound by sorrow by
247. Is There A Heart That Is Waiting by
248. Jesus is tenderly calling thee home by
249. Joyful news to all mankind by
250. Love of love so wondrous by
251. O do not let thy Lord depart by
252. O have you not heard of the beautiful stream by
253. O wanderer, knowing not the smile by
254. O what amazing words of grace by
255. Only a step to Jesus by
256. Return, O wanderer, return by
257. Say, are you weary? Are you heavy laden by
258. Sing them over again to me by Philip Paul Bliss
259. Sinner, how thy heart is troubled by
260. Sinner, see yon light by
261. Sinner, wheresoe'er thou art by
262. Sinners Jesus Will Receive by James McGranaham
263. So near to the Kingdom! yet what dost thou lack by
264. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling by Will Lamartine Thompson & James Calvin Bushey
265. Souls of men! why will ye scatter by Frederick William Faber, 1862
266. Ten thousand thousand souls there are by
267. The heart that once has Jesus known by
268. There is a better world, they say by
269. There is a mercy seat revealed by
270. There is a message, a simple message by
271. There is life for a look at the crucified one by
272. Though your sins be as scarlet by Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby
273. We have a message, a message from Jesus by
274. We wonder why Christ came into the world by
275. We're traveling home to Heaven above, by
276. What is the love of Jesus to thee by
277. Who comes to me, the Saviour said by
278. Who'll be the next to follow Jesus by
279. Whosoever heareth! shout, shout the sound by
280. Will your anchor hold in the storms of life by William J. Kirkpatrick
281. Would you be free from your burden of sin by
282. A needy sinner at thy feet by
283. And Can It Be That I Should Gain? by Thomas Campbell (1825)
284. Approach, my soul, the mercy seat by Arthur Cottman (1874)
285. As I am before thy face by
286. Depth of mercy! Can there be by
287. Drawn to the cross which thou hast blest by
288. I bring thee my cares and my sorrows by
289. I have heard of a Saviour's love by
290. I have no claim on grace by
291. Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry by
292. Jesus, see me at thy feet by
293. Just as I am, without one plea by William Batchelder Bradbury , 1816-1868
294. Knowing my failings, knowing my fears by
295. Lord, I hear of showers of blessing by
296. No, Not Despairingly by Ann B. Spratt
297. Not what these hands have done by Horatius Bonar
298. O boundless salvation! deep ocean of love by
299. O Jesus, Thou Art Standing by Justin H. Knecht (1799)
300. Out Of My Bondage, Sorrow And Night by George C. Stebbins
301. Pass me not, O loving Saviour by
302. Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me by Thomas Hastings
303. Saviour, hear me while before thy feet by
304. She only touched the hem of his garment by
305. Weary of wandering from my God by
306. What can wash away my sin by Robert Lowry
307. When shall thy love constrain by
308. Amazing Grace! by John Newton
309. Before I found salvation by
310. Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine by
311. Come and rejoice with me by
312. Come, comrades dear, who love the Lord by
313. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson, 1758
314. Come, ye that love the Lord by
315. Down at the cross where my Saviour died by
316. God is our light and God is our sunshine by
317. God's anger now is turned away by
318. How tasteless and tedious the hours by
319. I am amazed when I think of God's love by
320. I am drinking at the fountain by
321. I am saved, blessedly saved, by the blood by
322. I am saved, I am saved by
323. I am so glad that our Father in heaven by Philip Paul Bliss
324. I believe that God the Father by
325. I Could Not Do Without Thee by
326. I feel like singing all the time by
327. I have a song that Jesus gave me by Elton M. Roth
328. I have found a great salvation by
329. I have glorious tidings of Jesus to tell by
330. I have seen his face in blessing by
331. I heard of a Saviour whose love was so great by
332. I heard the voice of Jesus say by John B. Dykes
333. I left it all with Jesus long ago by
334. I Serve A Risen Saviour by
335. I want to tell what God has done by
336. I was sinking deep in sin by Howard E. Smith
337. I Will Sing the Wondrous Story by Rowland H. Prichard
338. I'm a soldier bound for Glory by
339. In loving kindness Jesus came by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel
340. In my heart there's a gladsome melody by
341. In the love of Jesus I have found a refuge by
342. It was love reached me when far away by
343. I've a friend, of friends the fairest by
344. I've found a friend in Jesus, he's everything to me by
345. I've Found a Friend, O Such a Friend by George C. Stebbins
346. I've found the pearl of greatest price by John Mason
347. Jesus came to save me by
348. Jesus is my Saviour, this I know by
350. Jesus saved me! O the rapture by
351. Life is a journey; long is the road by
352. Living in the fountain by
353. Lord, I was blind! I could not see by
354. My Father is rich in houses and lands by John B. Sumner
355. My God, I am thine by
356. My heart is fixed, eternal God by
357. My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine by
358. My life flows on in endless song by Author Unknown
359. My robes were once all stained with sin by
360. My Saviour suffered on the tree by
361. My soul is now united to Christ, the living vine by
362. No home on earth have I by
363. None the love of Christ can measure by
364. O bliss of the purified, bliss of the free by
365. O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice by William McDonald
366. O happy, happy day by
367. O how happy are they who the Saviour obey by
368. O Jesus, O Jesus, how vast thy love to me by
369. O my heart is full of music and of gladness by
370. O Thou God of my salvation by Daniel B. Towner
371. O what a wonderful, wonderful day by John W. Peterson
372. O what shall I do my Saviour to praise by
373. Once I heard a sound at my heart's dark door by
374. Once I was far in sin by
375. Once I was lost, on the breakers tossed by
376. Once in misery I walked alone by
377. One there is above all others, well deserves by Marianne Nunn, 1817
378. Out of my darkness God called me by
379. Pleasures sought, dearly bought by
380. Praise God for what he's done for me by
381. Saints of God, lift up your voices by
382. Salvation! O the joyful sound by
383. Songs of salvation are sounding by
384. Tell out the wonderful story by
385. The glorious gospel word declares by
386. The Saviour sought and found me by
387. There is sunshine in my soul today by John R. Sweney
388. There was a Saviour came seeking his sheep by
389. There's a song that's ringing in my heart today by
390. There's Within My Heart A Melody by Luther B. Bridges (1910)
391. Though I wandered far from Jesus by
392. Tis the promise of God full salvation to give by
393. We Have Heard the Joyful Sound by Josiah Booth
394. What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought by Charles H. Gabriel
395. When my heart was so hard by
396. When upon life's billows you are tempest-tossed by Edwin O. Excell
397. When we walk with the Lord by John Henry Sammis
398. When wondrous words my Lord would say by
399. Where are now those doubts that hindered by
400. Why should life a weary journey seem by
401. With joy of heart I now can sing by
402. With my heart so bright in the heavenly light by
403. With stains of sin upon me by
404. Would you know why I love Jesus by
405. Years I Spent In Vanity and Pride by Daniel B. Towner
406. You may sing of the joys over Jordan by
407. All things are possible to him by
408. Awake, awake! Fling off the night by
409. Before thy face, dear Lord by
410. Believe him! Believe him! the holy one is waiting by
411. Blest Are the Pure In Heart by John Keble & William John Hall
412. Christ, whose glory fills the skies by Malcolm Williamson, b. 1931
413. Come, with me visit Calvary by
414. Eternal Light! Eternal Light by
415. From every stain made clean by
416. Give Me a Holy Life by
417. Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power by
418. Have you on the Lord believed by
419. He wills that I should holy be by
420. I bring my heart to Jesus, with its fears by
421. I Bring My Sins To Thee by
422. I bring thee, dear Jesus, my all by
423. I Hear Thy Welcome Voice by Lewis Hartsough
424. I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God by
425. I Want a Principle Within by Louis Spohr (1834)
426. I want, dear Lord, a heart that's true and clean by
427. If you want pardon, if you want peace by
428. Jesus calls us! o'er the tumult by Cecil Frances Alexander, (1818-1895) 1852
429. Jesus, lead me up the mountain by
430. Jesus, save me through and through by
431. Jesus, thy fulness give by
432. Jesus, thy purity bestow by
433. Just outside the land of promise by
434. Lord, I come to thee beseeching by
435. Lord, I pray that I may know thee by
436. Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole by William G. Fischer
437. Lord, through the blood of the Lamb that was slain by
438. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling by Charles Wesley
439. Love divine, from Jesus flowing by
440. O Christ of pure and perfect love by
441. O Come and Dwell in Me by
442. O for a closer walk with God by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
443. O for a heart that is whiter than snow by
444. O For A Heart to Praise My God by Thomas Haweis (1792)
445. O for a humbler walk with God by
446. O God of light, O God of love by
447. O Jesus, Saviour, Christ divine by
448. O lamb of God, thou wonderful sin-bearer by
449. O love, revealed on earth in Christ by
450. O spotless Lamb, I come to thee by
451. O that in me the mind of Christ by
452. O thou God of full salvation by
453. O thou to whose all-searching sight by
454. O when shall my soul find her rest by
455. Saviour, I want thy love to know by
456. Say but the word, thy servant shall be healed by
457. Send out thy light and thy truth, Lord by
458. Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord by
459. Tell me what to do to be pure by
460. There are wants my heart is telling by
461. There is a holy hill of God by
462. There's a path that's sometimes thorny by
463. Thou hast called me from the byway by
464. 'Tis religion that can give by
465. Walk in the light: so shalt thou know by
466. We have not known Thee as we ought by Thomas Benson Pollock
467. Why are you doubting and fearing by
468. Why should I be a slave to sin by
469. With my faint, weary soul to be made fully whole by
470. With my heart so full of sadness by
471. Yes, there flows a wondrous river by
472. A Charge to Keep I Have by Lowell Mason (1832)
473. All I have, by thy blood thou dost claim by
474. All to Jesus I Surrender by Winfield S. Weeden (1896)
475. And is it so? A gift from me by
476. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus by Elizabeth Cecilia Douglas Clephane
477. Blessed Saviour, now behold me by
478. Brightly beams our Father's mercy by Philip P. Bliss
479. Christ of Glory, Prince of Peace by
480. Come, Saviour Jesus, from above by
481. Come, thou burning Spirit, come by
482. Dear Lord, I do surrender by
483. Down in the valley with my Saviour I would go by
484. Earnestly seeking to save and to heal by
485. Father, I Know That All My Life by Charles Steggal, 1826-1905
486. Father of love, of justice and of mercy by
487. Have thine own way, Lord, have thine own way by
488. How can I better serve thee, Lord by
489. I bring to thee my heart to fill by
490. I heard a voice so gently calling by
491. I would be true, for there are those who trust me by Joseph Y. Peek
492. If so poor a soul as I by
493. In the depths of my soul's greatest longing by
494. In their appointed days by
495. I'm set apart for Jesus by
496. Immortal love, forever full by
497. Jesus, all-atoning Lamb by
498. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken by
499. Jesus, precious Saviour, thou hast saved my soul by
500. King of love so condescending by
501. Kneeling before thee, Lord, I am praying by
502. Let me hear thy voice now speaking by
503. Let me love thee, thou art claiming by
504. Lord, I make a full surrender by
505. Lord, in the strength of grace by
506. Lord of Creation, to You Be All Praise by Cyril Taylor (1951)
507. Lord, thou art questioning: Lovest thou me by
508. Make Me A Captive, Lord by Robert Jackson
509. Master, I own thy lawful claim by
510. Mine to rise when thou dost call me by
511. My body, soul and spirit by
512. My life must be Christ's broken bread by
513. My mind upon thee, Lord, is stayed by
514. Not my own, but saved by Jesus by
515. O Blessed Saviour, is thy love by
516. O God, what offering shall I give by
517. O Lord, thy heavenly grace impart by
518. O Lord, whose human hands were quick by
519. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee by H. Percy Smith, Washington Gladden
520. Precious Jesus, O to love thee by
521. Saviour, I long to be by
522. Saviour, if my feet have faltered by
523. Saviour, my all I'm bringing to thee by
524. Saviour, thy dying love Thou gavest me by
525. Take my life, and let it be by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
526. The love of Christ doth me constrain by
527. The Saviour of men came to seek and to save by
528. Thou art holy, Lord of Glory by
529. Thou art the way, none other dare I follow by
530. Though in declaring Christ to the sinner by
531. Touch me with thy healing hand, Lord by
532. Unto thee, O Saviour-King by
533. What shall we offer to our Lord by
534. When from sin's dark hold thy love had won me by
535. All glory to Jesus be given by
536. At peace with God! How great the blessing by
537. Be glad in the Lord and rejoice by
539. From the heart of Jesus flowing by
540. Full salvation, full salvation by
541. I sought for love and strength and light by
542. I stand all bewildered with wonder by
543. Jesus, my Lord, through thy triumph I claim by
544. Life is great! So sing about it by
545. Loved with everlasting love by James Mountain (ca. 1890)
546. Now I feel the sacred fire by
547. O Christ, in thee my soul hath found by
548. O the bitter shame and sorrow by Theodore Monod, 1874
549. Once I thought I walked with Jesus by
550. Ring the bells of heaven, there is joy today by
551. Show me thy face, one transient gleam by
552. Thank you, Lord, for all your goodness by
553. When Jesus from Calvary called me by
554. Who shall dare to separate us by
555. Who the child of God shall sever by
556. All scenes alike engaging prove by
557. As pants the hart for cooling streams by New Version of the Psalms of David, 1696
558. At even, ere the sun was set by Henry Twells, 1868
559. Awake, our souls; away, our fears by
560. Behold the Throne of Grace by
561. Blessed and glorious King by
562. Come in, my Lord, come in by
563. Come, my soul, thy suit prepare by John Newton, 1780
564. Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile by
565. Compared with Christ, in all beside by
566. Day by day the manna fell by
567. Dear Lord and Father of mankind by Frederick C. Maker
568. Equip me for the war by
569. Eternal Father, Strong to Save by
570. Father, hear the prayer we offer by
571. Firm in thy strong control by
572. Forgive our sins as we forgive by
573. From every stormy wind that blows by Hugh Stowell
574. Give me a restful mind by
575. Give us a day of wonders by
576. God of comfort and compassion by
577. God Of Grace And God Of Glory by John Hughes
578. Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah by William Williams
579. He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater by
580. He walks with God who speaks to God in prayer by
581. Here, Lord, assembled in thy name by
582. Holy Father, in thy mercy by Isabel S. Stevenson, 1889
583. How wonderful it is to walk with God by
584. I am praying, blessed Saviour by
585. I am thine, O Lord; I have heard thy voice by
586. I do not ask thee, Lord by
587. I Need Thee Every Hour by Annie Sherwood Hawks, Robert Lowry
588. I often say my prayers by
589. I want that adorning divine by
590. In days long past the mercy seat by
591. In the secret of thy presence by
592. Jesus, and shall it ever be by Thomas B. Southgate (1855)
593. Jesus, give thy blood-washed Army by
594. Jesus, I fain would find by
595. Jesus, Lord, we come to hail thee by
596. Jesus, my strength. my hope by
597. Jesus, my truth, my way by
598. Jesus, Saviour, pilot me by
599. Jesus, stand among us by Friedrich Filitz (1847)
600. Jesus, tender lover of my soul by
601. Jesus, the gift divine I know by
602. Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts by Henry Baker (1854)
603. Jesus, we look to thee by
604. Jesus, where'er thy people meet by Author Unknown
605. Kneeling in penitence I make my prayer by
606. Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom by
607. Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us by
608. Lord, for a mighty revival we plead by
609. Lord, give me more soul-saving love by
610. Lord, here today my great need I am feeling by
611. Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy by Joyce Maxtone Graham (Placzek)
612. Lord, Speak to Me, That I May Speak by Robert A. Schumann (1839)
613. Make me aware of thee, O Lord by
614. Master, speak: thy servant heareth by
616. My Maker and my King by
617. Nearer, my God, to thee by
618. Not only, Lord, on that great day by
619. O God, if still the holy place by
620. O Jesus, Saviour, hear my cry by
621. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go by Albert L. Peace
622. O thou God of every nation by
623. O To Be Like Thee! Blessed Redeemer by Author Unknown
624. Our Father, who in Heaven art by
625. Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire by James Montgomery
626. Revive thy work, O Lord by William Henry Walter (1825-1893) (1894)
627. Saviour, lead me, lest I stray by
628. Saviour of light, I look just now to thee; by
629. Saviour, we know thou art by
630. Spirit of eternal love by
631. Spirit of God, thou art the bread of Heaven by
632. Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh by
633. Sweet Hour of Prayer by William W. Walford
634. Sweet the moments, rich in blessing by John Stainer (1887)
635. Take thou my hand and guide me by
636. Talk with me, Lord, thyself reveal, by
637. There Shall be showers of Blessing by Daniel W. Whittle
638. Thou Lamb of God. whose precious blood by
639. Thou Shepherd of Israel, and mine by
640. To God be the glory, a Saviour is mine by
641. Unto thee will I cry by
642. We thank thee, Lord, for answered prayer by
643. We the people of thy host, by
644. Weaver divine, thy matchless skill by
645. What A Friend We Have In Jesus by Charles C. Converse
646. What various hindrances we meet by
647. When shall I come unto the healing waters by
648. Where lowly spirits meet by
649. While here before thy cross I kneel by
650. Break Thou the Bread of Life by William F. Sherwin
651. Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire by
652. Holy Bible, Book Divine by William B. Bradbury
653. How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord by
654. Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace by Author Unknown
655. Lord, thy Word abideth by Edvard Grieg, 1843-1907
656. Set forth within the sacred word by
657. The Spirit breathes upon the word by Thomas Hastings (1837)
658. Thy word is like a garden, Lord by Gottfried W. Fink
659. Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love by William Havergal (1847)
660. Blest Be the Tie That Binds by John Fawcett and Johann G. Nageli
661. Happy the home when God is ther by
662. Help us to help each other, Lord by
663. Home is home, however lowly by
664. O there's joy in every heart by
665. Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun by Thomas Ken and Melody Fracois H. Barthelemon
667. Forth in Thy name O Lord I go My daily by Charles Wesley
668. New Every Morning Is The Love by John Keble and Samuel Webbe the elder
669. This is the day of light by
670. Abide with Me by Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk
671. Glory to Thee, My God, This Night by Thomas Ken and Thomas Tallis
672. My God, how endless is thy love by Author Unknown
673. Now the day is over by Joseph Barnby, 1838-1896
674. Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise by John Ellerton and Edward John Hopkins
675. Softly the shadows fall o'er land and sea by
676. Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear by
677. The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended by Clement Cotterill Scholefield, 1839-1904
678. Am I a soldier of the cross by Thomas A. Arne
679. Be strong in the grace of the Lord by
680. By the peaceful shores of Galilee by
681. Come, join our Army, to battle we go by
682. Forward! be our watchword by
683. Go, labor on, spend and be spent by
684. God's trumpet is sounding: To arms! is the call by
685. He who would valiant be by Charles Winfred Douglas, 1867-1944
686. I have read of men of faith by
687. In the Army of Jesus we've taken our stand by
688. Lord, as we take our chosen way by
689. O soldier, awake, for the strife is at hand by
690. Onward Christian Soldiers by Arthur S. Sullivan
691. Rescue the perishing, care for the dying by William H. Doane
692. Saviour and Lord, we pray to thee by
693. Soldier, rouse thee! War is raging by
694. Soldiers fighting round the cross by
695. Soldiers of Christ, Arise by Charles Wesley
696. Soldiers of our God, arise by
697. Soldiers of the cross, arise by
698. Sound the Battle Cry by
699. Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus by George Duffield
700. The Lord's command to go into the world by
701. The Son of God goes forth to war by Henry S. Cutler (1872)
702. To the front! the cry is ringing by
703. To the war! to the war! loud and long sounds the cry by
704. Wanted, hearts baptized with fire by
705. We're in God's Army and we fight by
706. What can I say to cheer a world of sorrow by
707. Who Is On The Lord's Side by C. Luise Reichardt (1853)
708. Who'll fight for the Lord everywhere by
709. A friend of Jesus! O what bliss by
710. A Wonderful Saviour is Jesus My Lord by Fanny Crosby
711. As the varied way of life we journey by
712. Begone, unbelief by
713. Blessed Lord, in Thee Is Refuge by William Owen (1852)
714. But can it be that I should prove by
715. Commit thou all thy griefs by
716. Courage, brother, do not stumble by
717. Dear Lord, I lift my heart to thee by
718. Fight the good fight with all thy might by William Boyd, 1847-1928
719. For thy sweet comfort in distress by
720. Give Me the Faith Which Can Remove by Henry Carey (ca. 1732)
721. Give to the winds thy fears by
722. Happy we who trust in Jesus by
723. Have faith in God, my heart by
724. Have we not known it, have we not heard it by
725. He leadeth me! O blessed thought by
726. Hold thou my hand! so weak I am, and helpless by
727. I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus by Ethelbert W. Bullinger (1874)
728. I dwell within the secret place by
729. I kneel beside thy sacred cross by
730. I Know Not Why God's Wondrous Grace by Daniel W. Whittle
731. I must have the Saviour with me by
732. I shall not fear though darkened clouds may gather round me by
733. I want the faith of God by
734. I'll go in the strength of the Lord by
735. I'm not ashamed to own my Lord by Isaac Watts
736. In Heavenly Love Abiding by Anonymous
737. Jesus,, lover of my soul by
738. Leave God to order all thy ways by
739. Let thy heart be at rest by
740. Like to a lamb who from the fold has strayed by
741. Lord Jesus, thou dost keep thy child by
742. My faith looks up to thee by Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
744. My God, my Father, make me strong by
745. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less by Edward Mote
746. Now I have found the ground wherein by Johann Andreas Rothe tr/ad by John Wesley
747. O Lord, how often should we be by
748. O Lord, we long to see your face by
749. Oft have I heard thy tender voice by
750. Oft our trust has known betrayal by
751. Peace, perfect peace, far beyond all understanding by
752. Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin by Edward Henry Bickersteth, 1875
753. Precious promise God hath given by
754. Simply trusting every day by Edgar Page Stites
755. Since the Lord redeemed us from the power of sin by
756. Spirit of Faith, Come Down by
757. Standing on the promises of Christ my King by R. Kelso Carter
758. The cross that he gave may be heavy by
759. There is strength in knowing Jesus by
760. Those first disciples of the Lord by
761. Though thunders roll and darkened be the sky by
762. Though thy waves and billows are gone o'er me by
763. Though troubles assail by
764. Through the Love of God Our Father by
765. Through the night of doubt and sorrow by Bernhardt Severin Ingemann, 1825;
766. To the Hills I Lift My Eyes by Marcus M. Wells (1858)
767. Unto the hills around do I lift up by John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, 1877.
768. What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine by Elisha A Hoffman and Anthony J Showalter
769. What a work the Lord has done by
770. When I ponder o'er the story by
771. When peace like a river attendeth my way by Horatio Gates Spafford
772. When we cannot see our way by
773. When you feel weakest, dangers surround by
774. Above the world-wide battlefield by
775. All round the world the Army chariot rolls by
776. Army flag! Thy threefold glory by
777. Emblem of a thousand battles by
778. 'Neath our standard, we're engaging by
779. The flag is yours, the flag is mine by
780. They bid me choose an easier path by
781. Unfurl the Army banner by
782. We'll shout aloud throughout the land by
783. Would you of our banner know the meaning, by
784. Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine by
785. For every rule of life required by
786. I would be thy holy temple by
787. In this hour of dedication by
788. Jesus, thou hast won us by
789. Lord of life and love and power by
790. When you find the cross is heavy by
791. Father, we for our children plead by
792. Gentle arms of Jesus by
793. Gentle Jesus, meek and mild by
794. I think, when I read that sweet story of old by
795. Lord, with joyful hearts we worship by
796. O Father, friend of all mankind by
797. When Mothers Of Salem by
798. Come, shout and sing, make Heaven ring by
799. Earthly kingdoms rise and fall by
800. God is keeping his soldiers fighting by
801. God's soldier marches as to war by
802. Hark, hark, my soul, what warlike songs are swelling by
803. Hark! the sounds of singing by
804. Ho, my comrades, see the signal by
805. In the fight, say, does your heart grow weary by
806. I've found the secret of success by
807. Joy! joy! joy! there is joy in The Salvation Army by
808. Let us sing of his love once again by
809. Make the world with music ring by
810. March on, salvation soldiers by
811. Marching on in the light of God by
812. My Soul, Be on Thy Guard by Lowell Mason
813. On to the conflict, soldiers, for the right by
814. Salvation is our motto by
815. Shout aloud salvation, and we'll have another song by
816. Strive, when thou art called of God by
817. Valiant soldier, marching to the fray by
818. We are marching on with shield and banner bright by
819. We are sweeping through the land by
820. We're a band that shall conquer the foe by
821. We're an Army fighting for a glorious King by
822. We're the soldiers of the Army of salvation by
823. Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin by
824. All have need of God's salvation, by
825. Christ for the world, we sing by
826. In Christ There Is No East Or West by John Oxenham, 1908
827. Peace in our time, O Lord by
828. Salvation! Shout salvation by
829. Tell them in the east and in the west by
830. The world for God! The world for God by
831. To save the world the Saviour came by
832. We are witnesses for Jesus by
833. We have caught the vision splendid by
834. Children of Jerusalem by
835. Children, sing for gladness by
836. Come with happy faces by
837. Father, Lead Me Day by Day by Pierre de Corbeil
838. God make my life a little light by
839. Hushed was the evening hymn, by
840. I love to hear the story by Elizabeth Huntington Miller, 1867
841. Jesus bids us shine with a clear, pure light by
842. Jesus, Friend of little children by Walter J. Mathams, 1882
843. Jesus loves me! this I know by William B. Bradbury
844. Jesus wants me for a sunbeam by Edwin O. Excell
845. Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us by
846. Saviour, teach me day by day by
847. Standing by a purpose true by Philip Paul Bliss
848. Tell Me the Stories of Jesus by Frederic A. Challinor
849. The wise may bring their learning by Anonymous & Book of Praise for Children
850. There are hundreds of sparrows by
851. We are the hands of Christ by
852. When He Cometh, When He Cometh by George Frederick Root, 1820-1895
853. When, his salvation bringing by
854. You can't stop rain from falling down by
855. A boy was born in Bethlehem by
856. For Your Holy Book We Thank You by Henry J. Gauntlett (1849)
857. Greatest joy is found in serving Jesus by
858. I'm going to make my life into a melody by
860. Jesus, with what gladness I can truly sing by
860. Just as I am, thine own to be by
861. Lord of my youth, teach me thy ways by
862. O Jesus, I Have Promised by John Ernest Bode
863. Plan our life, O gracious Saviour by
864. Rise up, O youth! for mighty winds are stirring by
865. Saviour, while my heart is tender by
866. Soldiers of King Jesus by
867. The Lord is King! I own his power by
868. There's a road of high adventure by
869. We find pleasure in the Army by
870. We praise thee, heavenly Father by
871. What wondrous gifts are in my care by
872. Above the waves of earthly strife by
873. Beautiful land, so bright, so fair by
874. Brief is our journey through the years by
875. Day of judgment! Day of wonders by
876. For all the saints who from their labors rest by
877. Forever With the Lord by Franklin L. Sheppard
878. For those we love within the veil by
879. Give me the wings of faith to rise by Isaac Watts, 1709
880. How happy every child of grace by
881. I have a home that is fairer than day by
882. I'm but a stranger here by
883. Lord, I care not for riches, neither silver nor gold by
884. O how I'd like to see his face by
885. O soul,, consider and be wise by
886. O Think Of The Home Over There by
887. On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand by
888. One golden dawning, one glorious morning by
889. Safe in the arms of Jesus by Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby
890. Servant of God, well done by
891. Shall We Gather at the River by Robert Lowry
892. Sing the wondrous love of Jesus by Emily D. Wilson
893. Sins of years are all numbered by
894. Summoned home! the call has sounded by
895. The homeland! the homeland by
896. The Sands of Time Are Sinking by Chrétien Urhan (1834)
897. There is a happy land by
898. There is a land of pure delight by Isaac Watts, 1707
899. There's a crown laid up in Glory by
900. There's a Land That Is Fairer Than Day by Joseph P. Webster
901. To leave the world below by
902. We are marching home to Glory by
903. We are marching up the hillside and the trail leads home by
904. We speak of the realms of the blest by
905. We're bound for the land of the pure and the holy by
906. When all my labours and trials are o'er by
907. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound by James Milton Black
908. When we gather at last over Jordan by
909. Who are these arrayed in white by
910. Who, who are these beside the chilly wave by
911. With steady pace the pilgrim moves by
912. Ye valiant soldiers of the cross by
913. You must have your sins forgiven by
914. Your garments must be white as snow by
915. And are we yet alive by Johann G. Nägeli
916. Father, let me dedicate by
917. My Times Are in Thy Hand by
918. O God of Bethel, by whose hand by
919. O Saviour, now to thee we raise by
920. Bring your tithes into the storehouse by
921. Christ of self-denial by
922. This, our time of self-denial by
923. At harvest time our eyes behold by
924. Come, Ye Thankful People by George J. Elvey
925. Eternal source of every joy, by
926. Our thankful hearts need joyful songs by
927. Praise and thanksgiving by
928. Seeds now we are sowing, and fruit they must bear by
929. Sing to the Lord of harvest by John Samuel Bewley Monsell
930. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness by George A. Minor
931. Sowing the seed by the dawn-light fair by
932. This is the field, the world below by
933. To thee, O Lord of earth and sky by
934. To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise by William Chatterton Dix, 1861
935. We plough the fields and scatter by Matthias Claudius tr/ad by Jane Montgomery Campbel
936. We praise thee, Lord, with heart and voice by
937. For thy mercy and thy grace by
938. Heavenly Father, thou hast brought us by
939. Sing we many years of blessing by
940. Christ is our cornerstone by Author Unknown
941. Lord of Heaven and earth and sea by
942. O God, in whom alone is found by
943. O God of love eternal by
944. O Lord,, regard thy people by
945. This stone to thee in faith we lay by
946. Thy presence and thy glories, Lord by
948. O perfect Love, all human thought transcending by Dorothy Frances Blomfield Gurney, 1883
949. The voice that breathed o'er Eden by John Keble, 1857
951. For thine is the Kingdom, and thine is the power by
952. Give to Jesus glory by
953. God be in my head by Sarum Primer, 1558
954. God be with you till we meet again by William G. Tomer (1880)
955. Jesus, so dear to us by
956. Let nothing disturb thee by
957. Lord of all glory and of grace by
958. O Father, let thy love remain by
959. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
960. Praise God, I'm saved by
961. The Lord bless thee, and keep thee by
962. This, this is the God we adore by
963. Faith of our fathers! living still by
964. O God, Beneath Thy Guiding Hand by
965. O say, can you see by the dawn's early light by
966. God of our fathers, Whose almighty hand by George William Warren, 1828-1902
967. O beautiful for spacious skies by Samuel Augustus Ward, 1848-1903
968. My Country 'Tis Of Thee by Acappella America
969. I Love to Tell the Story by William G. Fischer
970. We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing by
971. I Come To The Garden Alone by C. Austin Miles
972. I must needs go home by the way of the cross by Charles H. Gabriel
973. There is a place of quiet rest by Cleland B. McAfee
974. Far away the noise of strife upon my ear is falling by C. Austin Miles
975. Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart by Frederick C. Atkinson
977. Lead on, O King eternal by
978. I walked one day along a country road by
979. Are ye able, said the Master by
980. Truehearted, wholehearted, faithful and loyal by
981. We've A Story To Tell To The Nations by H. Ernest Nichol (1896)
982. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart by Arthur H. Messiter
990. I heard an old, old story, how a Saviour came from glory by
991. 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus by LouÂiÂsa M. R. Stead, 1882
992. The Saviour is waiting to enter your heart by
994. O Canada! our home and native land by
1001. Able to save, able to keep by
1002. All that you need is a miracle by
1003. And yet he will thy sins forgive by
1004. Are you coming home tonight? by
1005. Ask! Ask! Ask! and it shall be given by
1006. Calling, calling, Jesus is calling by
1007. Calvary, so dear, so sweet, so precious by
1008. Can a poor sinner come to Jesus? by
1009. Come with thy sin, come with thy sin by
1010. Coming home, coming home by
1011. Don't turn him away! Don't turn him away! by
1012. He is able, abundantly able to deliver, to deliver by
1013. I am coming to the Saviour who can wash away my sin by
1014. I think of all his sorrow by
1015. Jesus is calling, is calling, is calling by
1016. Jesus said: He who comes to me shall never, never thirst again by
1017. O Jesus, my Saviour, will welcome sinners home by
1018. O let the dear Master come in by
1019. O the love of Christ, my Lord by
1020. O yes, there's salvation for you by
1021. Room, room, room at the cross by
1022. Take Jesus to all the world by
1023. There is mercy in Jesus, there's mercy in Jesus by
1024. They are nailed to the cross by
1025. To heal the broken heart he came by
1026. Travel along in the sunshine by
1027. Turn to the Lord and seek salvation by
1028. What shall the answer be by
1029. Wonderful place called Calvary by
1030. You may be saved, O glorious thought by
1031. You've carried your burden, you've carried it long by
1032. All my days and all my hours by
1033. All my heart I give to thee by
1034. All there is of me, Lord by
1035. At thy feet I bow adoring by
1036. Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine by
1037. Dear Lord, at thy feet I still linger by
1038. Ever thine, thine alone by
1039. Give me a heart like thine by
1040. Go back to the old wells by
1041. I give thee my best, nothing less, nothing less by
1042. I'm believing and receiving by
1043. Jesus, Jesus, lily of the valley by
1044. Much more hath God in store by
1045. Nearer to thee, nearer to thee by
1046. Now the fruit of the Spirit is patience by
1047. O I'm glad there is cleansing in the blood by
1048. Only one intention, only one ambition by
1049. Reckon on me following thee by
1050. Refining fire, go through my heart by
1051. Reign, O reign, my Saviour by
1052. Sealed by thy Spirit, sealed by thy Spirit by
1053. Spirit of the Living God by Michael Baughen, Daniel Iverson (1926)
1054. Sweet Rose of Sharon, blooming for me by
1055. There is not in my heart left one treasure, dear Lord by
1056. Whatsoever things are true by
1057. Where he leads me I will follow by
1058. Bless me now, bless me now by
1059. Blessing through me, Lord, blessing through me by
1060. Channels only, blessed Master by
1061. Come, beautiful Christ by
1062. Come, Holy Spirit, and abide with me by
1063. Coming this way, yes, coming this way by
1064. Enter, enter right into my heart, Lord by
1065. Fill the earthen vessel of my heart, Lord by
1066. For they that wait upon the Lord by
1067. Here is the place for the lifting of burdens by
1068. Holy Spirit, seal me I pray by
1069. I am trusting, Lord, in thee by
1070. I believe God answers prayer by
1071. I want to live right, that God may use me by
1072. If on my soul a trace of sin remaineth by
1073. In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust by
1074. Jesus, hear my humble pleading by
1075. Jesus, thou lover of souls by
1076. Keep the touch of God on your soul by
1077. Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen in Me by
1078. Let the waves wash me by
1079. Lord, Lay Some Soul upon My Heart by B. B. McKinney
1080. Lord, lift me up and let me stand by
1081. Lord, Make Calvary Real To Me by
1082. Lord, teach me how to pray by
1083. Love I ask for, love I claim by
1084. Make me a channel of blessing today by
1085. Make thyself known, Lord by
1086. Meet my need, Lord by
1087. Never a prayer he will not answer by
1088. O come just now to me, my Lord! by
1089. O come to the cross where they nailed him by
1090. O Jesus, be thyself to me by
1091. O pour it in my soul by
1092. O touch me again, Lord, touch me again by
1093. Power, power, power divine by
1094. Prayer gently lifts me to highest Heaven by
1095. Renew my will from day to day by
1096. Saviour, to me thy love impart by
1097. Send a new touch of power on my soul by
1098. Show us thy glory, Christ of the mount by
1099. Silently now I wait for thee by
1100. Speak once again, Lord by
1101. Spirit of God, O hear us pray by
1102. Spirit of love, come and in me residing by
1103. Such as I have, Lord, I give unto thee by
1104. Sweet Spirit of Christ by
1105. Teach me how to love thee by
1106. This is God's moment, God's moment for you by
1107. To Be Like Jesus by
1108. To feel thy power, to hear thy voice by
1109. To thy cross I come, Lord by
1110. Walk with me, walk with me by
1111. Wash me and cleanse me by
1112. We're all seeking the same Saviour by
1113. When I talk with Jesus by
1114. Whisper a prayer in the morning by
1115. Clouds will change to sunshine by
1116. Don't stay in the valley by
1117. Faith Is the Victory by Ira D. Sankey
1118. Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees by
1119. Fully trusting in the battle's fray by
1120. God can and will my every need supply by
1121. God Is Love by
1122. God is still on the throne by
1123. God is with us all the time by
1124. God Will Take Care of You by W. Stillman Martin
1125. He cannot forget me by
1126. He is standing with us here in the plain by
1127. He knows, he knows by
1128. He writes the pardon on my heart by
1129. His Spirit answers to the blood by
1130. I believe in the word of God by
1131. I can see my pilot's face in every storm by
1132. I have a pilot who guides me by
1133. I know he cares for me, for me by
1134. If I take the wings of the morning by
1135. Jesus himself drew near by
1136. Keep on marching with a fighting faith by
1137. Launch out into the deep by
1138. Lean on his arm, trusting in his love by
1139. Now don't you let the troubles of tomorrow by
1140. Over and over, like a mighty, mighty sea by
1141. Over the sea, over the sea by
1142. Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace by Robert Witty
1143. 'Tis wonderful to know the joy that cometh from above by
1144. Trusting thee ever, doubting thee never by
1145. When tempted sore to worry by
1146. A never-failing friend by
1147. All through the years his providence has led me by
1148. Beauty for ashes my Lord doth prepare by
1149. Bless his name, he sets me free by
1150. By the blood my Saviour shed upon the tree by
1151. Christ is the answer to my every need by
1152. Clear are the skies above me by
1153. Come along, come along to Beulah by
1154. Ever near to bless and cheer in the darkest hour by
1155. Everybody should know by
1156. For there is one God and one mediator by
1157. Glory to God, he has ransomed me by
1158. God hath shined in our hearts by
1159. Gone is my burden, he rolled it away by
1160. He brought me out of darkness into light by
1161. He loved me, I cannot tell why by
1162. He's mine, he's mine, he's mine by
1163. He's the same today as yesterday by
1164. I am not under law, but under grace by
1165. I have a Saviour who's mighty to keep by
1166. I have cast my burden on the Saviour by
1167. I know he's mine, this friend so dear by
1168. I know, I know, I know, yes, I know by
1169. I Love Him Better Every Day by
1170. I want to sing it, I want to shout it by
1171. I was wandering in the wilderness by
1172. If Jesus goes with me I'll go anywhere by
1173. I'm living my life for Jesus by
1174. I'm satisfied with Jesus here by
1175. I'm singing a glory song all day long by
1176. In him abiding, my all confiding by
1177. It's no longer I that liveth by
1178. I've anchored my soul in the haven of rest by
1179. Jesus is able, Jesus is able by
1180. Jesus Is All I Need by
1182. Jesus knows all about our struggles by
1183. Jesus saves, Jesus saves by
1184. Joy, joy, wonderful joy by
1185. Living, he loved me; dying, he saved me by
1186. Mine, mine, mine by
1187. My heart sings whenever I think of Jesus by
1188. My sins, my sins are remembered no more by
1189. My sins rose as high as a mountain by
1190. Never to be remembered any more by
1191. Now my heart is glad by
1192. O the Blood of Jesus by
1193. O the Lamb, the bleeding Lamb by
1194. O what a loving Saviour by
1195. On the road of happiness, on the road of love by
1196. Peace is mine, I've naught to fear by
1197. Peace, peace, sweet peace by
1198. Rolled away, rolled away, rolled away by
1199. Saved and kept by the grace of God by
1200. Scatter a little sunshine by
1201. Sing a song of happiness by
1202. That old, old story is true by
1203. The Light of The World Is Jesus by Philip P. Bliss (1875)
1204. The Lord came down to save me by
1205. The path is very narrow but I'll follow by
1206. There's joy in following Jesus all the way by
1207. There's no one like Jesus can cheer me today by
1208. True happiness is love expressed in service by
1209. 'Twas the suffering of Jesus by
1210. We have a gospel that matches the hour by
1211. Can you wonder, can you wonder by
1212. His love passeth understanding by
1213. In life's early splendor by
1214. Jesus of Galilee by
1215. Life is a song when you walk with Jesus by
1216. O I love him, yes I love him by
1217. O the dearest, the fairest, is Jesus to me by
1218. O the love that sought me by
1219. O what a redeemer is Jesus, my Saviour by
1220. Singing we go, our joy to show by
1221. The heavenly gales are blowing by
1222. We'll sing in the morning the songs of salvation by
1223. When the glory gets into your soul, my brother by
1224. And we'll roll the old chariot along by
1225. Chosen to be a soldier by
1226. Christ for all! This is the Army's call by
1227. Fighting, fighting on the narrow way by
1228. Follow the flag, follow the flag by
1229. I am a soldier, glory to God by
1230. I love the dear old Army flag by
1231. I want to be a soldier of the cross by
1232. I will make you fishers of men by Harry D. Clarke
1233. If the cross we boldly bear by
1234. I'll be true, Lord, to thee by
1235. I'll try again, I'll try again by
1236. In the Army ranks are we by
1237. In the ranks of the dear old Army by
1238. Stepping on together in the ranks of truth by
1239. The world is needing us by
1240. The yellow, red and blue shall fly by
1241. There's only one flag for me by
1242. We'll keep the old flag flying by
1243. We'll never let the old flag fall by
1244. We're marching on, we're marching on by
1245. And I shall see him face to face by
1246. At the end of our journey by
1247. Away over Jordan, with my blessed Jesus by
1248. I shall know him, I shall know him by
1249. Lay up treasure in Heaven by
1250. There'll be no sorrow there by
1251. Wonderful Saviour, wonderful friend by