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Psalter Hymnal (Grey) (1987)

Denomination: Christian Reformed Church in North America - Published by Unknown Publisher

1. How Blest Are They Who, Fearing God by William Croft (1708)
2. Wherefore Do the Nations Rage by Dick L. Van Halsema
3. O LORD, My Enemies by Louis Bourgeois
4. Lord, Hear Me When I Call to You by Dale Grotenhuis (1985)
5. Hear, O LORD, My Urgent Prayer by Timothy Hoekman (1979)
6. LORD, Chasten Not in Anger by
7. O LORD My God, from You Alone Comes Aid by
8. Lord, Our Lord, Your Glorious Name by William F. Sherwin (1877)
9. Wholehearted Thanksgiving to You I Will Bring by C. Ferdinand Walther, 1811-1887
10. Why Do You Stand So Far Away, O LORD? by Carl F. Shalk (1979)
11. The LORD Is My Strength and My Refuge by Roy Hopp (1984)
12. Help, LORD, for Those Who Love Your Truth by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
13. How Long Will You Forget Me, LORD by
14. The Foolish in Their Hearts Deny by Richard L. Van Oss (1984)
15. LORD, Who Are They That May Dwell by Norman L. Warren (1971)
16. I trust in you by M. Christian T. Strover (1932-) (1973)
17. LORD, Listen to My Righteous Plea by Jack Grotenhuis (1983)
18. How I Love You, LORD, My God by Joseph Parry (1879)
19. The Spacious Heavens Tell by
20. In the Day of Need by Norman L. Warren (1972)
21. The King Rejoices in Your Strength by
22. My God! O My God! by
23. The LORD, My Shepherd, Rules My Life by Jessie Seymour Irvine (1872)
24. The Earth and the Riches by Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932
25. LORD, to You My Soul Is Lifted by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
26. LORD, Speak for Me, for I Am Yours by Leo Sowerby (1962)
27. The LORD God Is My Light and My Salvation by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
28. O LORD My Rock, in Desperation by Mary J. Hammond (1920)
29. Give Glory to God, All You Heavenly Creatures by Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932
30. I Worship You, O LORD by Norman L. Warren (1969)
31. I Seek My Refuge in You, LORD by
32. How Blest Are They Whose Trespass by Chrétien Urhan (1834)
33. Rejoice! Sing Praise to Your Creator by
34. LORD, I Bring My Songs to You by
35. O LORD, Arise, Come Help Me Now by
36. My Heart Speaks Out on Those Who Sin by J. Frederick Wolle (1888)
37. When Evil People Sin by Joseph Parry, 1841-1903
38. Rebuke Me Not in Anger, LORD by
39. Once I Said, "I Must Keep Quiet" by Evan Morgan, 1846-1920
40. I Waited Patiently for God by Joseph Parry (1870)
41. How Blest Are Those Who Thoughtfully by Roy Hopp (1984)
42. As a Deer in Want of Water by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
43. Defend Me, LORD, from Those Who Charge Me by
44. O God, We Have Heard by
45. I Praise the King with All My Verses by Johann B. König (1738)
46. God is our refuge and our strength by (1650) Scottish Psalter
47. Nations, Clap Your Hands by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
48. Great Is the Lord Our God by George J. Elvey (1868)
49. Listen, All People Who Live in This World by Martin Fallas Shaw (1935)
50. The Mighty God and Sovereign Lord by Dimitri S. Bortnianski (1825)
51. Be Merciful, Be Merciful, O God by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
52. Mighty Mortal, Boasting Evil by Aubrey L. Butler (1971)
53. The Foolish in Their Hearts Exclaim by
54. By Your Name, O God, Now Save Me by
55. I Need Your Help, O LORD My God by
56. O God, Be Merciful to Me by James Ward (1984)
57. Be Merciful to Me, O God by Katherine K. Davis (1962)
58. O Mighty Rulers, Can You Claim by Annabeth McClelland Gay (1952)
59. Protect and Save, Me, O My God by Thomas Ravenscroft (1621)
60. O God, You Have Rejected Us by J. R. Tipton (1974)
61. Listen to My Cry, LORD by Norman L. Warren (1969)
62. My Soul Finds Rest in God Alone by Thomas Tallis (1561)
63. O LORD, My God, Most Earnestly by George C. Stebbins (1878)
64. Hear My Voice, O God, in My Compaint by Daniel Read (1785)
65. Praise Is Your Right, O God, in Zion by
66. Come, Everyone, and Join with Us by Dale Grotenhuis (1985)
67. O God, to Us Show Mercy by J. Michael Haydn, 1737-1806 (adapt.)
68. Let God Arise and by His Might by
69. Save Me, O God; I Sink in Floods by
70. Come Quickly, LORD, to Rescue Me by
71. In You, O LORD, I Put My Trust by Roger W. Wischmeier (1974)
72. Hail to the Lord's anointed by Samuel S. Wesley (1864)
73. God Loves All the Righteous by Ira D. Sankey (1877)
74. O God, Why Have You Cast Us All Away? by James Langran (1861)
75. We Give Our Thanks to You, O God by Theodore P. Ferris (1941)
76. God is known among His people by 1912 The Psalter
77. I Cried Out to God to Help Me by
78. The Mighty Deeds the LORD Has Done by F. William Voetberg (1985)
79. In Your Heritage the Nations by
80. Hear Us, O Shepherd of Your Chosen Race by John Wainwright (1750)
81. Sing a psalm of joy by
82. There Where the Judges Gather by William Lloyd (1840)
83. O God, Do Not in Silence Stand by
84. How Lovely Is Your House, O LORD by
85. LORD, You Have Lavished on Your Land by William Hayes (1774)
86. LORD, My Petition Heed by William F. Sherwin, 1826-1888
87. Our Gracious God by
88. O LORD, I Call for Help by Day by Gerben Baaij
89. Forever I Will Sing of Your Great Love, O LORD by
90. Lord, You Have Been Our Dwelling Place by
91. Whoever Shelters with the LORD by
92. How good it is to thank the Lord by 1912 The Psalter
93. The LORD is King, Enthroned by George F. Root (1859)
94. Almighty LORD God, Who Judges the Earth by Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932
95. Now with Joyful Exultation by John Zundel, 1815-1882 (1870)
96. Sing to the LORD, Sing His Praise by Lowell Mason (1830)
97. Let Earth Rejoice! by
98. Sing, Sing a New Song to the LORD God by
99. The LORD God Reigns in Majesty by James McGranahan, 1840-1907
100. All People That on Earth Do Dwell by Louis Bourgeois (or William Kethe & Scottish Psalt
101. I Praise Your Justice, LORD by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
102. LORD, Hear My Prayer and Let My Cry by
103. Come, Praise the LORD, My Soul by
104. Your Spirit, O LORD, Makes Life to Abound by Henry J. Gauntlett (1861)
105. Trumpet the Name! Praise Be to Our LORD! by
106. O Praise the LORD, for He Is Good by Lee Hastings Bristol, Jr. (1951)
107. Thanks Be to God Our Savior by
108. My Heart Is Firmly Fixed by Aaron Williams (1763)
109. Do Not Be Silent, LORD God by
110. The LORD unto My Lord Has Said by Henry S. Cutler (1872)
111. O Give the LORD Wholehearted Praise by
112. How Blest Are Those Who Fear the LORD by Samuel Webbe (1782)
113. Praise God, You Servants of the LORD by
114. When Israel Fled from Egypt Land by William B. Bradbury, 1816-1868 (alt.)
115. Not unto Us, O LORD of Heaven by Ernest R. Kroeger, 1862-1934
116. I Love the LORD, for He Has Heard My Voice by
117. Hallelujah, hallelujah by
118. Give Thanks to God for All His Goodness by
119. Blessed Are Those Who Heed the Law of God by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
120. In My Distress I Cry to God by
121. To the Hills I Lift My Eyes by Marcus M. Wells (1858)
122. I Was Glad They Came to Call Me by Johann Schop, 1600-1665
123. To You, O LORD, I Lift My Eyes by Hughes M. Huffman (1976)
124. If God the LORD Were Not Our Constant Help by
125. All Who, with Heart Confiding by Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932 (alt.)
126. When God Brought Zion's Remnant Band by
127. If God Does Not Build Up the House by John Stainer (1875)
128. How Blest Are All the People by
129. Those Hating Zion Have Afflicted Me by Erik R. Routley (1943)
130. Out of the Depths I Cry, LORD by
131. LORD, My Heart Is Humbled Now by
132. God of Jacob, Please Remember by William P. Rowlands (1905)
133. Behold, How Good, How Pleasant Is the Union by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
134. You Servants of the LORD Our God by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
135. Sing Praise to the LORD God Almighty by George C. Stebbins, 1846-1945
136. Let us with a gladsome mind by Author Unknown
137. Babylon Streams Receive Our Tears by Griffith Hugh Jones (1890)
138. With All My Heart I Thank You, LORD by
139. LORD, You Have Searched My Life and Know by John Bishop (1711)
140. Deliver Me from Evil by John Ness Beck (1977)
141. O LORD, Come Quickly; Hear Me Pray by Henry Baker (1854)
142. Hear My Cry and Supplication by Johann Crüger (1649)
143. LORD, Hear My Prayer, My Supplication by
144. All Praise to the LORD by
145. I Will Exalt My God and King by C. Hubert H. Parry (1916)
146. Praise the LORD! Sing Hallelujah! by Lowell Mason (1839)
147. Sing Praise to Our Creator by John B. Dykes (1877)
148. Praise the Lord! O Heavens, Adore Him by Franz Joseph Haydn (1797)
149. Sing Praise to the Lord by William Croft (1708)
150. Hallelu the LORD Our God by
151. In the Beginning by Wim ter Burg (1966)
152. I Will Sing unto the LORD by
153. The ten commandments by
154. Be Just in Judgment, Fair to All by Calvin Seerveld (1985)
155. Love God with All Your Soul and Strength by
156. The Lord Bless You and Keep You by Peter Christian Lutkin
157. Give Ear, O Earth, Attend My Songs by William Hayes (1774)
158. Song of Hannah by Hughes M. Huffman (1976)
159. LORD God of Israel, Come among Us by
160. In the presence of your people by Brent Chambers
161. The Lord's My Shepherd by J. L. Macbeth Bain, c. 1840-1925
162. My shepherd is the Lord by Ricardo Villarreal (1975)
163. Lift Up Your Heads, O Gates by Richard Dirksen (1974)
164. O LORD, You Are My Light by John Goss, 1800-1880
165. Send Out Your Light and Your Truth by Charles F. Gounod, 19th C.
166. Clap Your Hands by Handt Hanson
167. O God, Be Gracious to Me in Your Love by Orlando Gibbons (1623)
168. Zion, Founded on the Mountain by Walter G. Whinfield, 1865-1919
169. I Will Sing of the Mercies of the LORD by James H. Fillmore, 1849-1936
170. O God Our Help In Ages Past by Isaac Watts, William Croft, Tommy Walker
171. It is good to sing your praises by William P. Rowlands (1905)
172. The LORD Is King by
173. Come, Sing for Joy to the LORD God by
174. Sing a New Song to the LORD God by Charles Venn Pilcher (1935)
175. Unto God Our Savior by F. W. Blunt, 1839-1921
176. All the Earth, Proclaim the LORD by Lucien Deiss (1965)
177. Praise the Lord! by Heinz Werner Zimmermann (1970)
178. What Shall I Render to the LORD by
179. The Glorious Gate of Righteousness by Lowell Mason (1837)
180. I Lift My Eyes Up to the Hills by
181. Exalt the LORD, His Praise Proclaim by Franz J. Haydn (1798)
182. Give Thanks to God, for Good Is He by Arthur S. Sullivan (1875)
183. With grateful heart my thanks I bring by 1912 The Psalter
184. LORD, You Have Searched Me by Henry K. Oliver (1832)
185. I Will Extol You, O My God by
187. O Praise the LORD, for It Is Good by John H. Stockton (1874)
188. Praise the LORD, Sing Hallelujah by William J. Kirkpatrick, 1838-1921
189. Hallelujah, Praise the LORD by
190. God's Gift It Is to Eat and Drink by Bartholomäus Gesius (1605)
191. Hear Us, O People, Hear Our Plea by Ralph Harrison (1784)
192. The people who in darkness walked by Leo Sowerby, 1895-1968
193. Surely it is God who saves me by Arthur Rhea, b. 1919
194. Comfort, comfort now my people by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
196. See, Christ Was Wounded for Our Sake by Joyce Recker (1983)
197. The Trees of the Field by Stuart Dauermann
198. Arise, Shine, for Your Light Is Come by Eric Glass (1974)
199. I Am the LORD Your God by Alexey Lvov (1833)
200. O My People, Turn to Me by Norm Jonkman (1984)
201. Fear Not, Rejoice and Be Glad by Priscilla Wright (1971)
202. Song of Jonah by John Ambrose Lloyd, 1815-1874
203. The Day Is Coming - God Has Promised by
204. Little Bethlehem of Judah by Martin Fallas Shaw (1929)
205. The LORD Is Saying by Dale Grotenhuis (1986)
206. Blest Are the Contrite Hearts by
207. The Lord's Prayer by Phil Driscoll
208. Our Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth by
209. Seek ye first the kingdom of God by Karen Lafferty (1972)
210. Whatsoever You Do to the Least by Willard Francis Jabusch (1966)
211. The Lord is Risen, Yes, Indeed! by Wim ter Burg (1971)
212. Song of Mary by William Boyd (1868)
213. Song of Zechariah by Wolfgang Dachstein (1525)
215. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Nahum Tate
216. Song of Simeon by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
217. Jesus, Remember Me by Jacques Bertier
218. In the Beginning Was the Word Eternal by
219. As Moses Raised the Serpent Up by
220. I Am the Holy Vine by John Ireland (1918)
221. We Know That God Works Things for Good by Calvin Seerveld (1985)
222. If I Speak a Foreign Tongue by Friedrich Filitz (1847)
223. For the Glories of God's Grace by
224. The Fruit of the Spirit by Dale Grotenhuis (1985)
225. Give Thanks to God, the Father by Johann G. Ebeling (1666)
226. O Father, from Your Glorious Riches by Roy Hopp (1985)
227. Christ, Who Is in the Form of God by Joseph P. Holbrook (1874)
228. Rejoice in the Lord Always by Anonymous
229. Christ, You Are the Fullness by
230. Since Our Great High Priest, Christ Jesus by
231. How Great Is the Love of the Father by James C. Ward (1985)
232. You are Worthy by Pauline Michael Mills (1963)
233. Heavenly Hosts in Ceaseless Worship by Lowell Mason
234. Alleluia by Jerry Sinclair
235. Here from All Nations by
236. Then I Saw a New Heaven and Earth by Norman L. Warren (1973)
237. We praise you, O God by
238. We Come, O Christ, to You by John Darwall (1770)
239. Amid the Thronging Worshipers by Laura A. Tate (1912)
240. Come, All Who Fear the Lord God by Berthold Tours (1872)
241. This Is The Day by Les Garrett
242. Come, All You People, Praise Our God by Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932
243. How Lovely Is Your Dwelling by Edward Husband (1871)
244. God himself is with us by Joachim Neander (1680)
245. Jesus, We Love to Meet by A. T. Olajide Olude (1949)
247. All Glory Be to God on High by
248. I Greet My Sure Redeemer by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
249. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty by Bishop Reginald Heber, 1827
250. I've Come to Tell by Juan M. Isais
251. Here, O Lord, your servants gather by Isao Koizumi
252. Father in Heaven by
253. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty by Joachim Neander
254. Remember Not, O God by Ludwig von Beethoven (1807, adapt.)
255. God, Be Merciful to Me by Richard Redhead (1853)
256. Out of the Depths I Cry by Charles H. Purday (1860)
257. O Christ, the Lamb of God by
258. Lord, Have Mercy upon Us by Healey Willan (1928)
259. Out of Need and Out of Custom by Ken Medema (1972)
260. Not What My Hands Have Done by George William Martin, 1828-1881
261. Lord, We Cry to You for Help by Ulrich Zwingli (1529)
262. My faith looks up to thee by Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
263. Just as I am, without one plea by William Batchelder Bradbury , 1816-1868
264. Lord, I Want to Be a Christian by Frederick J. Work
265. Standing in the Need of Prayer by
266. Forgive our sins as we forgive You by Rosamond E. Herklots
267. And Can It Be That I Should Gain? by Thomas Campbell (1825)
268. Lord, I Pray by
269. Baptized in Water by David Charles Walker, b. 1938
270. Our Children, Lord, in Faith and Prayer by
271. We Know That Christ Is Raised by Charles Villers Stanford (1904)
272. You Are Our God; We Are Your People by David A. Hoekema (1978)
273. Almighty Father, Covenant God by Dale Grotenhuis (1984)
274. O God, Great Father, Lord and King by Samuel Webbe (1872)
275. The Lord Our God in Mercy Spoke by George T. Thalben-Ball (1951)
276. Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth by George J. Elvey (1862)
277. God who spoke in the beginning by
278. Holy Spirit, Mighty God by John Wilson (1967)
279. O Word of God incarnate by
280. Blessed Jesus, at thy word by Johann R. Ahle (1664)
281. Thanks to God whose Word was spoken by Peter Cutts, b. 1937
282. Break now the bread of life by William F. Sherwein (1877)
283. The Lord Almighty spoke the word by
284. Father, I Adore You by Terrye Coelho (1972)
285. O Jesus, I Have Promised by John Ernest Bode
286. Lord of Creation, to You Be All Praise by Cyril Taylor (1951)
287. Have Thine Own Way, Lord! by George C. Stebbins (1907)
288. Take My Life and Let It Be by Frances Ridley Havergal
289. Take My Life That It May Be by Timothy Hoekman (1979)
290. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread by Harold W. Friedell, 1905-1958
291. May the Mind of Christ, My Savior by A. Cyril Barham-Gould (1925)
292. Living for Jesus by C. Harold Lowden
293. What does the Lord require by Erik Routley, 1917-1982
294. As Saints of Old Their Firstfruits Brought by Leland B. Sateren (1963)
295. Lord of All Good by Sydney Watson (1964)
296. We give you but your own by
297. O Come, My Soul, Sing Praise to God by James Walch (1875)
298. According to Thy Gracious Word by James Montgomery
299. As We Walk Along beside You by Norman L. Warren (1981)
300. Gift of Finest Wheat by Robert E. Kreutz (1976)
301. Taste and See by James E. Moore
302. In the Quiet Consecration by V. Earle Copes (1959)
303. Come, Let Us Eat by Billema Kwillia (1970)
304. Let Us Break Bread Together by
305. Clothe Yourself, My Soul, with Gladness by Johann Crüger (1649)
306. Now the Solemn Feast Is Done by
307. O Jesus, joy of loving hearts by Lee Hastings Bristol, Jr., 1923-1979
308. Come, Risen Lord, as Guest among Your Own by Orlando Gibbons (1623)
309. Lift Up Your Hearts unto the Lord by Linda Stassen (1974)
310. Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken by Reginald Heber and Fr. Henri Chapieu
311. I Come with Joy to Meet My Lord by Brian A. Wren
312. Eat This Bread by Jacques Berthier (1982)
313. Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing by Johann Löhner (1691, adapt.)
314. Father, We Give You Thanks, Who Planted by
315. Blest Be the Tie That Binds by John Fawcett and Johann G. Nageli
316. God be with you till we meet again by William G. Tomer (1880)
317. Go Now in Peace by Natalie Sleeth (1976)
318. The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Is Ended by Clement C. Scholefield (1874)
319. Savior, Again to Your Dear Name We Raise by Edward J. Hopkins (1869)
320. Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing by John Fawcett, Melody Sicilian
322. God, the Father of Your People by William Moore
323. Forth in the peace of Christ we go by James Quinn (1919-)
324. Forth in Your Name, O Lord, I Go by Percy C. Buck (1913)
325. Go Forth for God by William J. Maher (1863)
326. We Lift Our Hearts to God by Emily R. Brink (1976)
327. On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry by Charles (Carolo) Coffin tr/ad by John Chandler &am
328. O Come, O Come, Immanuel by
329. Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus by Rowland H. Prichard
330. O Christ! Come Back to Save Your Folk by
331. O Lord, how shall I meet you by John Crüger (1653)
332. Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding by William Henry Monk, 1823-1889
333. Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers by
334. The Prophets Came to Israel by Bert Witvoet (1980)
335. Hark the glad sound the Saviour comes by Philip Doddridge
336. Savior of the nations, come by
337. Joy to the world! by George Frederick Handel (1742)
338. Come and Stand Amazed, You People by
339. From heaven above to earth I come by Martin Luther tr/ad by Lutheran Book of Worship
340. O Come, All Ye Faithful by John Francis Wade
341. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence by French Carol
342. Of The Father's Love Begotten by Henry W. Baker, trans: John M Neale
343. Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light by Johann Schop
344. Silent Night! Holy Night! by Franz Gruber (1818)
345. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing by Felix Mendelssohn
346. Once In Royal David's City by Cecil F. Alexander
347. Angels we have heard on high Sweetly by Traditional French Carol tr/ad by James Chadwick
348. Away In A Manger by James R. Murray
350. Christians, Awake by John Wainwright (1750)
351. Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming by
352. That Boy-Child of Mary by
353. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly by
354. Angels from the Realms of Glory by Henry Smart (1867)
355. Good Christian Friends, Rejoice by
356. Go, Tell It on the Mountain by John W. Work, Jr.
357. How bright appears the Morning Star by Philipp Nicolai tr/ad by William Mercer
358. As With Gladness Men of Old by William C. Dix
359. Christ Is the King and He Shall Reign by Henry Lahee (1855)
360. Bright and glorious is the sky by Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig tr/ad by Unkno
361. Songs of thankfulness and praise by George J. Elvey (1858)
362. Lord of the Universe by William P. Rowan (1985)
363. Your Hands, O Lord, in Days of Old by
364. O love, how deep, how broad, how high by Anonymous (1415)
365. Amen, Amen by
366. Have No Fear, Little Flock by Heinz Werner Zimmermann (1971)
367. Oh, I Know the Lord Laid His Hands on Me by
368. O Son of God the Father by Basil Harwood (1898)
369. Christ, upon the Mountain Peak by Peter Cutts (1962)
370. The King of Glory Comes by
371. Christ, the Life of All the Living by
372. O Christ, Our Lord, Dear Son of God by William Davies (1975, alt.)
373. Lift High the Cross by George William Kitchin
374. No weight of gold or silver by Adrian Hartog (1954)
375. All Glory Laud and Honor by Theodulph of Orleans, Trans by John M. Neale
377. Were You There by
378. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna by Jeanette Threlfall
379. What Wondrous Love by
380. O Perfect Life of Love by
381. Go to Dark Gethsemane by Richard Redhead
382. Ride on Ride on in Majesty In lowly by Henry Hart Milman
383. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded by Hans Leo Hassler
384. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross by Lowell Mason
385. Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed by Isaac Watts, Ralph E. Hudson
386. Ah, Holy Jesus by Johann Crüger (1640)
387. Alleluia! Alleluia! by Ludwig van Beethoven
388. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
389. Come, you faithful, raise the strain by Arthur S. Sullivan (1872)
390. The Day of Resurrection by Henry T. Smart
391. The strife is o'er, the battle done by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
392. A Shout Rings Out, A Joyful Voice by
393. O Sons and Daughters by
394. These things did Thomas count as real by Carol Doran (1983)
395. Hail, O Once-Despised Jesus by
396. Low in the Grave Christ Lay by Robert Lowry (1874, alt.)
397. Good Christians all, rejoice and sing by Melchior Vulpius, 1560?-1616
398. Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands by Martin Luther tr/ad by Richard Massie
399. Jesus Lives, and So Do We by Johann Crüger (1653)
400. Praise the Savior Now and Ever by
401. Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord by
402. Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks by Donald Fishel
403. This joyful Eastertide by Joachim Oudaen
404. Sing, Choirs of New Jerusalem by Thomas Jarman (c. 1803)
405. I serve a risen Savior by Alfred H. Ackley (1933)
406. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus by Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1811-1887
407. Christ the Lord Ascends to Reign by
408. Rejoice, The Lord is King by John Darwall
409. Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise by Charles Wesley, William Henry Monk
410. Crown Him With Many Crowns by George J. Elvey
411. The head that once was crowned with thorns by Author Unknown
412. Jesus Shall Reign by John Hatton
413. Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing by
414. See, the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph by Henry Smart (1868)
415. Spirit, Working in Creation by
416. For Your Gift of God the Spirit by William P. Rowlands (1905)
417. Filled with the Spirit's Power by Cyril V. Taylor (1943)
418. The Spirit Came, As Promised by Johannes G. Bastiaans (1868)
419. Spirit of God, Who Dwells within My Heart by Frederick C. Atkinson (1870)
420. Breathe On Me, Breath of God by Edwin Hatch (1835-1889)
421. Spirit Divine, Inspire Our Prayer by Johann Crüger (1647)
422. Eternal Spirit, God of truth by
423. Holy Spirit, Truth Divine by Orlando Gibbons (1623)
424. Spirit of the Living God by Michael Baughen, Daniel Iverson (1926)
425. Creator Spirit, by whose aid by Henry Carey, 1690?-1743
426. O Holy Spirit, by whose breath by Melchior Vulpius (1609)
427. Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit by Georgia G. Berky (1899)
428. O Worship the King by Johann M. Haydn
429. The Heavens Declare Your Glory by Johann S. Bach, 1685-1750
430. We sing the mighty power of God by
431. All Creatures Of Our God And King by Francis of Assisi, William H Draper
432. For the beauty of the earth For the by Folliott Sandford Pierpont
433. Earth and all stars by David N. Johnson, b. 1922
434. God Moves in a Mysterious Way by William Croft
435. All things bright and beautiful by Louis Spohr
436. This Is My Father's World by Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901
437. Thank You God, for Water, Soil, and Air by William P. Rowan (1985)
438. When morning gilds the skies My heart by Katholisches Gesangbuch tr/ad by Edward Caswall &a
439. We Come to Thank You, God, by Singing by
440. Children of the Heavenly Father by Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg & Ernst Willi
441. All Praise to You, My God, This Night by Thomas Tallis (c. 1561)
442. Abide with Me by Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk
443. Hours and Days and Years and Ages by
444. Greet Now the Swiftly Changing Year by
445. Our Faithful God by Christian Gregor (1784)
446. If You But Trust in God to Guide You by Georg Neumark (1657)
447. Eternal God beyond All Time by Sir Joseph Barnby (1872)
448. I Lift Up My Eyes to the Mountains by Dick L. Van Halsema (1954, alt.)
449. O Righteous, in the Lord Rejoice by James McGranahan, 1840-1907
450. O God, Our Father, We Come by Claire Kromminga (1957)
451. What God Ordains Is Always Right by
452. He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought by Joseph H. Gilmore
453. Let all things now living by Author Unknown
454. Now Thank We All Our God by Martin Rinkart, Music by Johann C ruger
455. For the fruits of His creation Thanks be by Frederick Pratt-Green
456. We plow the fields, and scatter by Matthias Claudius, 1782;
457. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands by Acappella America
458. Sing to the Lord of harvest by John Samuel Bewley Monsell
459. Our World Belongs to God by John D. Edwards (c. 1840)
460. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise by Walter C. Smith
461. Beautiful Savior by Stuart Townend
462. Amazing Grace! by John Newton
463. O love of God, how strong and true by Vernon Griffiths, b. 1894
464. Father, long before creation by William H. Monk (1871)
465. Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above by Johann J. Schutz, trans. by Frances E. Cox
467. At the Name of Jesus by James Mountain
468. God Is Our Fortress and Our Rock by Martin Luther (1529)
469. A Mighty Fortress is our God by Martin Luther
470. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name by William Shrubsole (1779)
472. O Jesus, We Adore You by William Lloyd (1840)
473. To God Be the Glory by William H. Doane
474. In the Cross of Christ I glory by Ithamar Conkey
475. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847), 1834
476. When Israel was in Egypt's land by Traditional Spiritual
477. You Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim by
478. Tell Out, My Soul by Walter Greatorex (1919)
479. I Will Sing of My Redeemer by James McGranahan
480. Jesus, the Very Thought of You by John B. Dykes (1866)
481. Christ, whose glory fills the skies by Malcolm Williamson, b. 1931
482. Man of Sorrows--What a Name by Philip P. Bliss (1875, alt.)
483. How Great Thou Art by Stuart K. Hine (1953)
484. Humble Praises, Holy Jesus by John A. Stevenson (1818)
485. O Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart's Desire by Henry W. Greatorex
486. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson, 1758
487. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds by Thomas Hastings
488. I heard the voice of Jesus say by John B. Dykes
489. When peace like a river attendeth my way by Horatio Gates Spafford
490. Jesus Is Mine by Phoebe P. Knapp (1873)
491. Our Lives Are Filled with Sorrows by
492. Our Voice Would Be a Useless Cry by Guy Warrack (1931)
493. Precious Lord, take my hand by George N. Allen
494. There Is a Balm in Gilead by
495. I Know Not Why God's Wondrous Grace by Daniel W. Whittle
496. My Lord, I Did Not Choose You by Anonymous
497. How Vast the Benefits Divine by Gottfried W. Fink (1842)
498. I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew by J. Harold Moyer, b. 1927
499. My God, How Wonderful You Are by Carl G. Glaser
500. How Firm a Foundation by Rippon
501. Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing by Carl G. Gläser (1828)
502. The Church's One Foundation by Samuel J. Stone
503. Built on the Rock by Ludwig M. Lindeman
504. Holy God, we praise your name by Ignace Franz & Hugh Thomas Henry
505. For All the Saints by Ralph Vaughan Williams
506. Glorious things of you are spoken by C. Hubert H. Parry (1897)
507. The Son of God, through His Spirit by Emily R. Brink (1977)
508. Jesus, with Your Church Abide by John H. Gower (1891)
509. Your hand, O God, has guided by Basil Harwood (1898)
510. I Love Your Church, O Lord by Aaron Williams (1770)
511. These Are the Facts As We Have Received Them by Norman L. Warren (1969)
512. When in Our Music God Is Glorified by Charles V. Stanford
513. Christian Hearts in Love United by
514. How Good and Pleasant Is the Sight by Charles H. Gabriel, 1856-1932
515. Lift Your Heart to the Lord by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1906)
516. God Is Here by Cyril V. Taylor (1941)
517. There's No God as Great by
518. In God the Father I Believe by Frank De Vries (1972)
519. Apostles' Creed by church
520. Nicene Creed by Herbert G. Draesel, Jr. (1964)
521. God of the Prophets by
522. Onward Christian Soldiers by Arthur S. Sullivan
523. Lord, you give the great commission by Alec Wyton, 1921-
524. Hope of the World by V. Earle Copes (1963)
525. O Christians, Haste by James Walch (1875)
526. Come, labor on by Thomas Tertius Noble, 1867-1953
527. Come, you thankful people, come by George J. Elvey (1858)
528. Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak by Robert A. Schumann (1839)
529. Speak forth your word, O Father by
530. I Love to Tell the Story by William G. Fischer
531. How shall they hear the word of God by Author Unknown
532. We Have Told the Blessed Tidings by C. Hubert H. Parry (1897)
533. Church of God, Elect and Glorious by Cyril V. Taylor (1907-1991) (1951)
534. Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched by William Owen (1852)
535. Come to the Savior Now by Frederick C. Maker (1895)
536. Lord Jesus Is Calling to All Who Will Hear by Hilary P. Chadwyck-Healey (1971)
537. Awake, All Who Sleep by Johannes G. Bastiaans (1868)
538. Come, You Disconsolate by Samuel Webbe (1792)
539. Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns by
540. In Christ There Is No East Or West by John Oxenham, 1908
541. Christ Shall Have Dominion by Albert Piersma (1933)
542. The ends of all the earth shall hear by 1912 The Psalter
543. Guide Me, O My Great Redeemer by John Hughes (1907)
544. Lead Me, Guide Me by Doris Akers
545. Make Me a Channel of Your Peace by Sebastian Temple (1967)
546. Make Me A Captive, Lord by Robert Jackson
547. Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God by
548. When we walk with the Lord by John Henry Sammis
549. My Only Comfort by Emily R. Brink (1975)
550. My Shepherd Will Supply My Need by
551. Oh, for a Closer Walk with God by John B. Dykes (1875)
552. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power by Andre Crouch
553. Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult by David Hurd, b. 1950
554. In Sweet Communion, Lord, with You by William U. Butcher (1860)
555. Lead On O King Eternal by Ernest Warburton Shurtleff
556. Great Is Thy Faithfulness by Thomas O. Chisholm
557. My Jesus I Love Thee by William R. Featherston
558. Lord of All Hopefulness by
559. Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus by George Duffield
560. Like a River Glorious by James Mountain
561. Rejoice, O Pure in Heart by Arthur H. Messiter (1883)
562. Our Father, Clothed with Majesty by
563. God Works His Purposes in Us by
564. Fount of Love, Our Savior God by
565. Abide with Us, Our Savior by Melchior Vulpius (1609)
566. In you is gladness by Giovanni G. Gastoldi (1591)
567. We've Come This Far by Faith by Albert A. Goodson (1956)
568. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling by Charles Wesley
569. Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet by Natalie Sleeth
570. Soldiers of Christ, Arise by Charles Wesley
571. Jesus loves me, this I know by Anna Bartlett Warner, 1859
572. Jesus, Priceless Treasure by Johann Crüger (1653)
573. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee by H. Percy Smith, Washington Gladden
574. O God, My Faithful God by Ahasuerus Fritsch (1679)
575. Christian, Do You Struggle by John B. Dykes (1868)
576. A Congregational Lament by
577. Beams of Heaven by Charles A. Tindley (1851-1933)
578. Jesus, Lover of My Soul by Joseph Parry (1879)
579. What A Friend We Have In Jesus by Charles C. Converse
580. O Perfect Love by Joseph Barnby
581. Lord, Today Bless This New Marriage by John Stainer (1887)
582. Praised Be the Father by George F. Handel (1748)
583. The tender love a father has by 1912 The Psalter
584. How shall the young direct their way by 1912 The Psalter
585. Let children hear the mighty deeds by Isaac Watts & Bernhard Schumacher
586. In Our Households, Heavenly Father by
587. O God in Heaven by Elena G. Maquiso (1961)
588. Tell Your Children by Tom Fetke (1980)
589. Our Father, Whose Creative Love by Gordon Slater (1929)
590. Jesus, Our Mighty Lord by Wim Mennes (1984)
591. Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us by William B. Bradbury
592. O God, your constant care and love by François H. Barthélémon (1785)
593. My song for ever shall record The tender by 1912 The Psalter
594. God is working his purpose out by Martin Fallas Shaw, 1875-1958
595. Praise to God in the Highest! by
596. From ocean unto ocean by Robert Murray, 1880
597. The City Is Alive, O God by Eric H. Thiman (1923)
598. Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word by
599. God of All Ages, Whose Almighty Hand by George William Warren (1892)
600. Christ is the world's true Light by Percy E. B. Coller, b. 1895
601. Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love by
602. Where cross the crowded ways of life by Frank Mason North
603. Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service by
604. God of All Living by Emily R. Brink (1987)
605. Creating God, your fingers trace by Reginald Sparshatt Thatcher, 1888-1957
606. O God of every nation by
607. Father, Help Your People by Walter MacNutt (1967)
608. O God of Love, O King of Peace by William Gardiner
609. How Would the Lord Be Worshiped by Brent Assink (1984)
610. God Is My Rock by Glad
611. As Stewards of a Vineyard by Frank De Vries (1970)
612. Lo! he comes, with clouds descending by Henry Purcell (c. 1692)
613. Wake awake for night is flying by Philipp Nicolai tr/ad by Katherine Winkworth
614. Day of judgment Day of wonders Hark the by John Newton
615. The King shall come when morning dawns by William Jones, 1726-1800 (alt.)
616. Isaiah the prophet has written of old by
617. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot by
618. Jerusalem the golden by Alexander Ewing
619. Ten thousand times ten thousand by Henry Alford, 1867
620. By the Sea of Crystal by John Vanderhoven (1933)
621. The God of Abraham Praise by Daniel ben Judah tr/ad by Thomas Olivers
622. Magnify The Lord by Praise The Name Of Jesus
623. Unto Christ Who Loved Us by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1936)
624. Hear Our Prayer, O Lord by George Whelpton (1897)
625. Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying by Ken Medema
626. Holy, Holy, Holy! by John B. Dykes (1861)
627. Bless His Holy Name by Andrae Crouch
628. Praise God, You Angel Hosts Above by
629. Worthy Is Christ by
630. Now blessed be the Lord our God by (1650) Scottish Psalter
631. Praise and thanksgiving by
633. He Is Lord by Tom Fettke
634. Father, we love You by Donna Adkins (1976)
635. Glory Be to the Father by Henry W. Greatorex
636. Glory To the Father by John F. Erickson (1984)
637. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow by Louis Bourgeois (1551)
641. Amens by John Stainer (1873)