The Hymnbook (PCUS, ARPC, and UPCUSA) (1955)
Denomination: American Presbyterian Church - Published by Unknown Publisher
1. A Charge to Keep I Have by Lowell Mason (1832)
2. A Mighty Fortress is our God by Martin Luther
3. A Parting Hymn We Sing by Johann G. Nageli
4. Abide with Me by Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk
5. According to Thy Gracious Word by James Montgomery
6. Again, as evening's shadow falls by
7. Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child by
8. Ah holy [dearest] Jesus how hast thou [have you] offended by
9. At The Cross by Isaac Watts, Ralph E. Hudson
10. All beautiful the march of days by Frances Whitmarsh Wile
11. All Creatures Of Our God And King by Francis of Assisi, William H Draper
12. All Glory Laud and Honor by Theodulph of Orleans, Trans by John M. Neale
13. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name by Edward Perronet/Oliver Holden
14. All my heart this night rejoices by Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676), 1653
15. All nature's works his praise declare by
16. All People That on Earth Do Dwell by Louis Bourgeois (or William Kethe & Scottish Psalt
17. All Praise to You, My God, This Night by Thomas Tallis (c. 1561)
18. All The Way My Savior Leads Me by Fanny J. Crosby, 1875
19. no gift have we by
20. All things bright and beautiful by Louis Spohr
21. All things come of thee, O Lord by John F. Wilson (1967)
22. All ye that fear God's holy name by 1912 The Psalter
23. O sons and daughters, let us sing by
24. Almighty Father, hear our prayer by Felix Mendelssohn
25. Am I a Soldier of the Cross? by Thomas A. Arne
26. Amazing Grace! by John Newton
27. Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in glory by Alec Wyton, b. 1921
28. Angel voices ever singing Round Thy by Francis Pott
29. Angels, from the realms of glory by Henry Thomas Smart, 1813-1879
30. Angels we have heard on high Sweetly by Traditional French Carol tr/ad by James Chadwick
31. Approach, my soul, the mercy seat by Arthur Cottman (1874)
32. Arise, O Lord, our God, arise by 1912 The Psalter
33. Arm of the Lord, awake, awake, put on thy strength by
34. Art thou weary, art thou languid by
35. As pants the hart for cooling streams by New Version of the Psalms of David, 1696
36. As the sun doth daily rise by
37. As With Gladness Men of Old by William C. Dix
38. Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know by Henri A. C. Malan
39. At even, ere the sun was set by Henry Twells, 1868
40. At the name of Jesus by Caroline Maria Noel (1817-77)
41. Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun by Thomas Ken and Melody Fracois H. Barthelemon
42. Awake my soul, stretch every nerve by
43. Away In A Manger by James R. Murray
44. Be known to us in breaking bread by James Montgomery
45. Be not dismayed whate'er betide by Civilla Durfee Martin
46. Be still, my soul, the Lord is on thy side by Katharina Amalia Dorothea von Schlegel tr/ad by Ja
47. Be Thou My Vision by Traditional Irish Melody
48. Because I knew not when my life was good by
49. Before Jehovah's awful throne Ye nations by Isaac Watts tr/ad by John Wesley
50. Before the day draws near its ending by
51. Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme by Isaac watts
52. Behold the amazing gift of love by Isaac Watts (1674-1748), 1709; paraphrased by Wil
53. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus by Elizabeth Cecilia Douglas Clephane
54. Bless, O soul the living God by
55. Bless Thou the Gifts by Robert Schumann
56. Blessed Assurance by Fanny J. Crosby and Phoebe P. Knapp
57. Blessing, and Honor, and Glory, and Power by
58. Blest Are the Pure In Heart by John Keble & William John Hall
59. Blest Be the Tie That Binds by John Fawcett and Johann G. Nageli
60. Book of books, our people's strength by
61. Bread of the World, in Mercy Broken by Reginald Heber and Fr. Henri Chapieu
62. Break Thou the Bread of Life by William F. Sherwin
63. Breathe On Me, Breath of God by Edwin Hatch (1835-1889)
64. Brief life is here our portion by
65. Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning by James P. Harding (1892)