Sing to the Lord, Lillenas Publishing (1993)
Denomination: Church of the Nazarene - Published by Unknown Publisher
0. "I come," the great Redeemer cries by
0. 100th by
0. A Child of the King by John B. Sumner
0. A Christian Home by Jean Sibelius
0. A Friend I Have Called Jesus by Clarence B. Strouse
0. A friend of Jesus! O what bliss by
0. A Glorious Church by Ralph E. Hudson
0. A Mighty Fortress is our God by Martin Luther
0. A Name I Highly Treasure by
0. A New Name in Glory by C. Austin Miles
0. A pilgrim was I and awandering by
0. A Savior have I more precious to me by
0. A Shelter in the Time of Storm by Ira D. Sankey (1885)
0. A Wonderful Saviour is Jesus My Lord by Fanny Crosby
0. Abide with Me by Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk
0. Adoration by
0. Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed by Isaac Watts, Ralph E. Hudson
0. Alas! and did my Savior bleed / He Loves Me by
0. All Because of Gods Amazing Grace by
0. All Creatures Of Our God And King by Francis of Assisi, William H Draper
0. All for Jesus by
0. All Glory Laud and Honor by Theodulph of Orleans, Trans by John M. Neale
0. All Hail King Jesus by Saints In Praise
0. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name by Edward Perronet/Oliver Holden
0. All my life-long I had panted by
0. All my tomorrows, all my past by William J. Gaither
0. All People That on Earth Do Dwell by Louis Bourgeois (or William Kethe & Scottish Psalt
0. All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord by Sylvanus B. Pond (1836)
0. All That Thrills My Soul by Thoro Harris
0. All the Way Along by
0. All The Way My Savior Leads Me by Fanny J. Crosby, 1875
0. All things bright and beautiful by Louis Spohr
0. All to Jesus I Surrender by Winfield S. Weeden (1896)
0. All Your Anxiety by
0. Alleluia by Jerry Sinclair
0. Alleluia! Alleluia! by Ludwig van Beethoven
0. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus by Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1811-1887
0. Almost Persuaded by Philip P. Bliss
0. am bound for the promised land by
0. am happy in the service of the King by
0. am happy today and the sun shines bright by
0. Am His, and He Is Mine by
0. am redeemed all glory to the Lamb by
0. Am Resolved by
0. am so glad that our Father in heaven by
0. Am Thine, O Lord by
0. am weak but Thou art strong by
0. Amazing Grace! by John Newton
0. America, the Beautiful by Samuel A. Ward
0. And Can It Be That I Should Gain? by Thomas Campbell (1825)
0. Angels we have heard on high Sweetly by Traditional French Carol tr/ad by James Chadwick
0. Angels, from the realms of glory by Henry Thomas Smart, 1813-1879
0. Anywhere with Jesus by Jessie Brown Pounds & Helen Cadbury Alexander
0. Are you longing for the fullness of the blessing by
0. Are You Washed in the Blood by Elisha A. Hoffman
0. Are You Weary, Are You Heavy Hearted by
0. Arise, My Soul, Arise by Glad
0. As With Gladness Men of Old by William C. Dix
0. At Calvary by Daniel B. Towner
0. At The Cross by Isaac Watts, Ralph E. Hudson
0. At the Name of Jesus by James Mountain
0. Away In A Manger Cradle Song by
0. Away in the Manger Away in the Manger by
0. Baptized in Water by David Charles Walker, b. 1938
0. Be not dismayed whate'er betide by Civilla Durfee Martin
0. Be Still And Know by Anonymous
0. Be Still, My Soul by Jean Sibelius (1899)
0. Be Thou My Vision by Traditional Irish Melody
0. Because He Lives by William & Gloria Gaither
0. Behold the Throne of Grace by
0. Behold, What Manner of Love by
0. Belong to the King by
0. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus by Elizabeth Cecilia Douglas Clephane
0. Beulah Land by
0. Bless His Holy Name by Andrae Crouch
0. Bless the Lord, O My Soul by Ippolitof-Ivanoff
0. Blessed Assurance by Fanny J. Crosby and Phoebe P. Knapp
0. Blessed Be the Name by Anonymous
0. Blessed Quietness by W.S. Marshall
0. Blessed Redeemer by Harry Dixon Loes
0. Blessed Savior, we adore Thee by
0. Blest Be the Tie That Binds by John Fawcett and Johann G. Nageli
0. Born by the Holy Spirits Breath by
0. Break Thou the Bread of Life by William F. Sherwin
0. Breathe On Me by Lucy Fisher
0. Breathe On Me, Breath of God by Edwin Hatch (1835-1889)
0. Brethren, We Have Met to Worship by William Moore
0. Brightly beams our Father's mercy by Philip P. Bliss
0. Bring Them In by William A. Ogden, 1841-1897
0. Bring Your Vessels, Not a Few by
0. Brother, let me be your servant by
0. Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary by John M. Moore
0. Called unto holiness, Church of our God by
0. Calvary Covers It All by Mrs. Walter G. Taylor
0. came to Jesus, weary, worn, and sad by
0. can hear my Savior calling by
0. cannot tell thee whence it came by
0. care not today what the morrow may bring by
0. Celebrate Immanuels Name by
0. Child in the Manger by
0. Children of the Heavenly Father by Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg & Ernst Willi
0. Christ Arose! by Robert Lowry (1874)
0. Christ for the world we sing by Felice de Giardini (1769)
0. Christ has for sin atonement made by Elish A. Hoffman
0. Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation by Joachim Neander
0. Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Living by
0. Christ Is the World's Light by
0. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today by Charles Wesley, 1707-1788
0. Christ, our Redeemer, died on the cross by
0. Church of God, awaken; heed the Lords by
0. Cleanse Me by
0. Close to Thee by Silas J. Vail
0. Come and Dine by
0. Come as a wisdom to children by
0. Come Christians Join to Sing by Author Unknown
0. Come Just As You Are by Praise Band
0. come to the garden alone by
0. Come, All Christians, Be Committed by
0. Come, Every One Who Is Thirsty by
0. Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy by
0. Come, Holy Spirit by Marian Wood Chaplin
0. Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine by H. Percy Smith
0. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove by John Bacchus Dykes, 1823-1876
0. Come, Share the Lord by Bryan Jeffery Leech
0. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson, 1758
0. Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus by Rowland H. Prichard
0. Come, We That Love the Lord by Isaac Watts and Aaron Williams
0. Coming to Jesus, my Savior, I found by
0. Constantly Abiding by
0. Count Your Blessings by Johnson Oatman Jr., and Edwin O. Excell
0. Covered by the Blood by
0. Crown Him With Many Crowns by George J. Elvey
0. Day By Day by DC Talk
0. Days are filled with sorrow and care by John M. Moore
0. Dear Lord and Father of mankind by Frederick C. Maker
0. Deeper and Deeper by
0. Deeper, Deeper by
0. Do you hear them coming, Brother by
0. Does Jesus Care by
0. Dont Turn Him Away by
0. Down In The Valley With My Saviour by
0. Dwelling in Beulah Land by
0. Dying with Jesus by death reckoned mine by Daniel Webster Whittle
0. Earthly friends may prove untrue by Arthur A. Luther
0. Elijah was Gods prophet by
0. Emmanuel by Bob McGee
0. Encamped along the hills of light by Ira D. Sankey
0. Eternal Father Strong to save Whose arm by William Whiting & Robert Nelson Spencer &
0. Eternal Life by
0. Every Bridge Is Burned Behind Me by
0. Face To Face by Promise Keepers
0. Fairest Lord Jesus by Traditional
0. Fairest of ten thousand by
0. Faith Is the Victory by Ira D. Sankey
0. Faith of Our Fathers by Henri F. Henry (1864)
0. Far Away In The Depths Of My Spirit by
0. Far away the noise of strife by
0. Far dearer than all that the world can impart by
0. Father I Adore You by Terrye Coelho
0. Father, Speaker Your Word Again by
0. Father, we love You by Donna Adkins (1976)
0. Fill Me Now by
0. Fill My Cup, Lord by Richard Blanchard (1959)
0. Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God by
0. Find Us Faithful by Steve Green
0. Follow On by
0. Follow, I Will Follow Thee by
0. For All the Saints by Ralph Vaughan Williams
0. For God so loved this sinful world by
0. For the beauty of the earth For the by Folliott Sandford Pierpont
0. For the Fruit of Creation by
0. For Thou O Lord, art high above all the earth by
0. Forth in the peace of Christ we go by James Quinn (1919-)
0. Freely, Freely by Carol Owens
0. Friendship with Jesus by
0. Gentle Shepherd by
0. Give Him the Glory by
0. Give Me a Holy Life by
0. Give Me Jesus by Willow Creek
0. Give Me Thy Heart by
0. Give Of Your Best To The Master by Charlotte A. Barnard
0. Give Thanks by Henry Smith
0. Give thanks, my soul, for harvest by
0. Glorify Thy Name by Donna Adkins
0. Glorious Freedom by
0. Glorious Is Thy Name by B. B. McKinney
0. Glorious things of thee are spoken by Franz Joseph Haydn
0. Glory be to God the Father by Walter G. Whinfield, 20th C. (adapt.)
0. Glory to His Name by John H. Stockton
0. Go Forth and Tell! by
0. Go, Tell It on the Mountain by John W. Work, Jr.
0. God Be with You by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1906)
0. God forgave my sin in Jesus name by
0. God is So God by
0. God Leads Us Along by G. A. Young
0. God Of Grace And God Of Glory by John Hughes
0. God Of Our Fathers by Acappella America
0. God of the Ages by George W. Warren (1894)
0. God rest you merry, gentlemen by
0. God save our gracious Queen by
0. God Save the Queen by
0. God sent His Son they called Him Jesus by
0. God the Father, Name we treasure by John Goss (1869)
0. God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian by Rowland H. Prichard (1844)
0. God Will Take Care of You by W. Stillman Martin
0. God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending by
0. Gods abiding peace is in my soul today by
0. Good Christian Men Rejoice by John M. Neale (translated).
0. Grace Greater Than Our Sin by Daniel B. Towner
0. Great Is The Lord by Michael W. Smith
0. Great Is Thy Faithfulness by Thomas O. Chisholm
0. Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah by William Williams
0. Hallelujah! Amen! by
0. Hallelujah! What a Savior! by
0. Hallelujah, I Am Free! by
0. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing by Felix Mendelssohn
0. Hark, tis the Shepherds voice I hear by
0. Have fear and doubt come against your mind? by
0. Have Thine Own Way, Lord! by George C. Stebbins (1907)
0. Have thy affections been nailed to the cross? by
0. Have You Any Room for Jesus? by
0. Have you been to Jesus by
0. He Abides by
0. He Brought Me Out by Henry L. Gilmour
0. He Giveth More Grace by Hubert Mitchell
0. He Has Made Me Glad (I Will Enter His Gates) by Leona Von Brethorst
0. He Has Never Failed Me Yet by
0. He Has Surely Borne Our Sorrow by
0. He Hideth My Soul by William J. Kirkpatrick
0. He Is Able to Deliver Thee by William A. Ogden
0. He Is Lord by Tom Fettke
0. He Is So Precious to Me by Charles H. Gabriel
0. He Keeps Me Singing by Luther B. Bridgers
0. He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought by Joseph H. Gilmore
0. He Lifted Me by Charles H. Gabriel (1905)
0. He Lives by Alfred H. Ackley
0. he Loves Me by 2nd Chapter Of Acts
0. He pardoned my transgressions by
0. He Ransomed Me by
0. He Rolled the Sea Away by
0. He the Pearly Gates Will Open by Elsie Ahlwen
0. He Took My Sins Away by
0. He Touched Me by William J. Gaither (1963)
0. Hear the story from Gods Word by
0. Heaven Came Down by John W. Peterson
0. Heavenly Father, King Eternal by
0. Heavenly Sunlight by George Harrison Cook
0. Here at Thy Table, Lord by
0. Here, O My Lord, I See Thee by Edward Dearle (1874)
0. Hes a Wonderful Savior to Me by
0. Hes Everything to Me by
0. Hidden Peace by
0. Hiding in Thee by Ira D. Sankey
0. Higher Ground by Charles H. Gabriel
0. His Eye Is On The Sparrow by Deniece Williams
0. His Grace Aboundeth More by
0. His Grace Is Sufficient for Me by
0. His Name Is Wonderful by Audrey Mieir
0. His way with thee by
0. His Yoke Is Easy by
0. Holiness Evermore by
0. Holiness unto the Lord by
0. Holy God, we praise your name by Ignace Franz & Hugh Thomas Henry
0. Holy Ground by Geron Davis
0. Holy Spirit, Be My Guide by
0. Holy Spirit, my heart yearns for Thee by
0. Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome by Dottie Rambo
0. Holy, Holy by Jimmy Owens
0. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty by Bishop Reginald Heber, 1827
0. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna by Jeanette Threlfall
0. Hover oer me, Holy Spirit by
0. How can I say thanks for the things by
0. How Firm a Foundation by Rippon
0. How Great Our Joy! by
0. How Great Thou Art by Stuart K. Hine (1953)
0. How lovely on the mountains by
0. How Majestic Is Your Name by Michael W. Smith
0. How oft in holy converse by
0. How the Fire Fell by
0. I by
0. I Come with Joy by
0. I dont know about tomorrow by
0. I Exalt Thee by Pete Sanchez
0. I Feel like Traveling On by
0. I Gave My Life for Thee by Philip P. Bliss
0. I give all my service to You by
0. I Give All to You by Larnelle Harris
0. I have a song I love to sing by Edwin O. Excell
0. I have a song that Jesus gave me by Elton M. Roth
0. I Have Decided To Follow Jesus by Promise Keepers
0. I have found a deep peace that I never by
0. I have found a precious resting place by
0. I have found a wondrous Savior by
0. I have found His grace in all complete by
0. I have one deep, supreme desire by
0. I Have Settled the Question by
0. I hear the Saviour say Thy strength by Elvina Mable Reynolds Hall (Myers)
0. I heard an old, old story by Eugene M. Bartlett
0. I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day by Wayne Watson
0. I Know a Fount by Oliver Cooke
0. I know a name by
0. I Know Gods Promise Is True by
0. I Know Not Why God's Wondrous Grace by Daniel W. Whittle
0. I Know That My Redeemer Lives by John Hatton (1793)
0. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow by LeAnn Rimes
0. I Know Whom I Have Believed by James McGranahan
0. I Lay My Sins on Jesus by Samuel S. Wesley
0. I Love Him Better Every Day by
0. I Love to Tell the Story by William G. Fischer
0. I Love to Walk with Jesus by
0. I Love You, Lord by Frank Hernandez
0. I must needs go home by
0. I Must Tell Jesus by Elisha A. Hoffman
0. I Need Thee Every Hour by Annie Sherwood Hawks, Robert Lowry
0. I remember when my burdens rolled away by
0. I remember when the Lord spoke to my soul by
0. I serve a risen Savior by Alfred H. Ackley (1933)
0. I Sing the Mighty Power of God by Ralph Vaughan Williams
0. I Stand Amazed in the Presence by Charles H. Gabriel
0. I Surrender All by Judson W. Van DeVenter and Winfield S. Weeden
0. I Then Shall Love by
0. I thirsted in the barren lad of sin and shame by
0. I wandered in the shades of night by Winfield S. Weeden
0. I wandered oer lifes stormy road by
0. I Want to Be Like Jesus by
0. I was lost in sin, but Jesus rescued me by
0. I was once a sinner, but I came by C. Austin Miles
0. I was sinking deep in sin by Howard E. Smith
0. I Will Call Upon The Lord by Michael O
0. I will enter his gates with thanksgiving by
0. I will meet you in the morning by
0. I Will Praise Him by Author Unknown
0. I Will Serve Thee by William J. Gaither
0. I Will Sing of My Redeemer by James McGranahan
0. I Will Sing Of The Mercies by James H. Fillmore
0. I Will Sing the Wondrous Story by Rowland H. Prichard
0. I Wonder As I Wander by Wayne Watson
0. I Would Be True by Joseph Yates Peek
0. I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus by
0. I Would Not Be Denied by
0. I've Anchored in Jesus by Lewis E. Jones
0. Id Rather Have Jesus by
0. If Jesus Goes with Me by C. Austin Miles
0. If My People Will Pray by Jimmy Owens
0. Ill Go Where You Want Me to Go by
0. Ill Live for Him by
0. Ill say yes, Lord, yes by
0. Ill Tell the World That Im a Christian by
0. Im pressing on the upward way by
0. Im rejoicing night and day by
0. Im so glad Im a part of the family of God by
0. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise by Walter C. Smith
0. In Christ There Is No East Or West by John Oxenham, 1908
0. In Heavenly Love Abiding by Anonymous
0. In His Time by Diane Ball
0. In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came by Charles H. Gabriel
0. In My Heart There Rings a Melody by Elton M. Roth
0. In My Life Lord, Be Glorified by
0. In shady green pastures so rich and so sweet by
0. In since I once had wandered by
0. In the Cross of Christ I glory by Ithamar Conkey
0. In the dark of the midnight by
0. In the Garden by C. Austin Miles (1912)
0. In the harvest field now ripened by
0. In the little village of Bethlehem by
0. In The Name Of The Lord by Sandi Patti
0. In the New Jerusalem by
0. In the Service of the King by B. D. Ackley
0. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly by
0. Into the heart of Jesus by
0. Is there a heart oer bound by sorrow? by
0. Is Thy Heart Right with God? by
0. Is Your All on the Altar? by Elisha A. Hoffman
0. It Came upon the Midnight Clear by Richard Storrs Willis (1850)
0. It Cleanseth Me by
0. It Is Glory Just to Walk with Him by
0. It Is Good to Sing Thy Praises by
0. It Is Mine by
0. It Is Truly Wonderful by
0. It Is Well With My Soul by Horatio G. Spafford
0. It may be in the valley by
0. It may not be on the mountains height by
0. It was down at the feet of Jesus by
0. Its Just like His Great Love by
0. Its Real by
0. Ive a message from the Lord, Hallelujah! by
0. Ive found a Friend in Jesus by
0. Ive found a Friend who is all to me by
0. Ive reached the land of corn and wine by
0. Ive wondered away from God by
0. Jesus calls me; I must follow by
0. Jesus Calls Us by William H. Jude (1874)
0. Jesus found me when afar I wandered by
0. Jesus has a table spread by
0. Jesus Is All I Need by
0. Jesus Is All The World to Me by Will L. Thompson
0. Jesus Is Calling by George C. Stebbins
0. Jesus Is Coming Again by John W. Peterson
0. Jesus Is Lord of All by LeRoy McClard
0. Jesus is tenderly calling thee home by
0. Jesus Is the Joy of Living by
0. Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know by Lela B. Long
0. Jesus lover of my soul Let me be to by Charles Wesley
0. Jesus Loves Even Me by Philip P. Bliss
0. Jesus Loves Me by William B. Bradbury
0. Jesus Never Fails by Truth
0. Jesus Paid It All by Larnelle Harris
0. Jesus Saves! by William J. Kirkpatrick (1882)
0. Jesus Shall Reign by John Hatton
0. Jesus Will Walk with Me by
0. Jesus! What a Friend for sinners by Rowland H. Prichard
0. Jesus, I Come by George C. Stebbins
0. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken by
0. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! by
0. Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross by William H. Doane
0. Jesus, my King, my wonderful Savior by
0. Jesus, My Lord, Will Love Me Forever by
0. Jesus, My Strength, My Hope by
0. Jesus, Name Above All Names by Naida Hearn
0. Jesus, the very thought of thee by John B. Dykes
0. Jesus, Thine All-Victorious Love by Carl G. Gläser
0. Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me by Henri F. Hemy
0. Joy to the world! by George Frederick Handel (1742)
0. Joy Unspeakable by Barney E. Warren
0. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee by Henry Van Dyke
0. Joys Are Flowing Like a River by Manie Ferguson
0. Just a Closer Walk with Thee by Anonymous
0. Just As I Am by Phillip Landgrave
0. King of my life I crown Thee now by
0. Lamb Of Glory by Steve Green
0. Lasst uns erfreuen by
0. Lead Me to Calvary by William J. Kirkpatrick
0. Lead On O King Eternal by Ernest Warburton Shurtleff
0. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms by Anthony J. Showalter
0. Let All the People Praise Thee by Mrs. C. H. Morris
0. Let all things now living by Author Unknown
0. Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen in Me by
0. Let the Lower Lights Be Burning by Philip P. Bliss
0. Let the Whole Creation Cry by Stopford A. Brooke and Robert Williams
0. Let Thy Mantle Fall on Me by
0. Let Us Break Bread Together by
0. Let Us Build a House of Worship by Donald P. Hustad (1978)
0. Let Your Heart Be Broken by James Mountain
0. Lift High the Cross by George William Kitchin
0. Like a River Glorious by James Mountain
0. Like as a Mother Comforteth by
0. Like the woman at the well by
0. Little Is Much When God Is in It by
0. Living by Faith by
0. Living for Jesus o what peace! by
0. Living for Jesus a life that is true by C. Harold Lowden (1915)
0. Living for Jesus Lowden by
0. Living for Jesus Weigle by
0. Lo, He Comes with Clouds Descending by John Cennick, Charles Wesley, Martin Madan
0. Look and Live by William A. Ogden
0. Look, Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious by William H. Monk (1871)
0. Lord Jesus, I Long to Be Perfectly Whole by
0. Lord, as of old at Pentecost by
0. Lord, Be Glorified by Bob Kilpatrick
0. Lord, I am pleading; hear Thou my prayer by
0. Lord, Im Coming Home by
0. Lord, Lay Some Soul upon My Heart by B. B. McKinney
0. Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace by
0. Lord, We Praise You by Otis Skillings
0. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling by Charles Wesley
0. Love divine, so great and wondrous by
0. Love Lifted Me by Howard E. Smith
0. Love sent my Savior to die in my stead by
0. Love through Christ has brought us together by
0. Loved with everlasting love by James Mountain (ca. 1890)
0. Low In The Grave He Lay by Robert Lowry
0. Macedonia by Henry S. Cutler (1872)
0. Majesty by Jack W. Hayford; Words:Psalm 93:1
0. Make Me a Blessing by George S. Schuler
0. Make Me A Servant by Kelly Willard
0. Man of Sorrows what a name by
0. Many times Im tried and tested by
0. Marvelous grace of our loving Lord by Daniel B. Towner (1910)
0. Marvelous message we bring by John W. Peterson
0. May the Mind of Christ, My Savior by A. Cyril Barham-Gould (1925)
0. May we be a shining light to the nations by
0. Mine eyes have seen the glory by Julia Ward Howe, 1861
0. Moment By Moment by May Whittle Moody
0. More About Jesus by John R. Sweney
0. Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? by George N. Allen (1844)
0. My Anchor Holds by Daniel B. Towner, 1850-1919
0. My Burden is Gone by
0. My Burdens Rolled Away by
0. My Country, Tis of Thee by
0. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place by André Grétry, 1741-1831
0. My faith looks up to thee by Lowell Mason, 1792-1872
0. My Father is rich in houses and lands by John B. Sumner
0. My heart was distressed neath Jehovahs dread by
0. My heavnly home is bright and fair by
0. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less by Edward Mote
0. My Jesus I Love Thee by William R. Featherston
0. My life, my love, I give to Thee by
0. My Savior First of All by John R. Sweney
0. My Saviors Love by
0. My soul in sad exile was out on lifes sea by
0. My Soul Is Filled with Glory by
0. My stubborn will at last hath yielded by
0. My Tribute by Andrae Crouch
0. My Wonderful Lord by
0. Near the cross by William H. Doane (1869)
0. Near to the Heart of God by Cleland B. McAfee
0. Nearer My God To Thee by Sarah Fuller Flower Adams & Edward Henry Bicke
0. Nearer, Still Nearer, Close to Thy Heart by Lelia N. Morris
0. No One Ever Cared for Me like Jesus by Charles F. Weigle
0. No One Understands like Jesus by John W. Peterson
0. No, Not One by George C. Hugg
0. Not My Will, but Thine by
0. Nothing But The Blood by Robert Lowry (1826-1899)
0. Now I Belong To Jesus by Norman J. Clayton
0. Now Let Us from This Table Rise by Fred Kaan
0. Now Thank We All Our God by Martin Rinkart, Music by Johann C ruger
0. O beautiful for spacious skies by Samuel Augustus Ward, 1848-1903
0. O Breath of Life by David Ashley White (1987)
0. O Canada by Robert Stanley Weir, 1908;
0. O Christians, Haste by James Walch (1875)
0. O Come, All Ye Faithful by John Francis Wade
0. O Come, Let Us Adore Him by
0. O Come, O Come Emmanuel by
0. O for a faith that will not shrink by William Hiley Bathurst
0. O For A Heart to Praise My God by Thomas Haweis (1792)
0. O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing by Charles Wesley, 1707-88
0. O give us homes built firm upon the Savior by
0. O God Our Help In Ages Past by Isaac Watts, William Croft, Tommy Walker
0. O Happy Day by
0. O Holy Night! by Adolphe Adam
0. O How He Loves You And Me by Kurt Kaiser
0. O how well do I remember by
0. O I love to tell the blessed story by
0. O I love to walk with Jesus by
0. O land of rest, for thee I sigh! by
0. O let the Song of God enfold you by
0. O Little Town of Bethlehem by Phillips Brooks, Lewis H. Redner
0. O Lord, my God! When I in awesome wonder by
0. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go by Albert L. Peace
0. O magnify the Lord with me by
0. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee by H. Percy Smith, Washington Gladden
0. O may all who come behind us find us faithful by
0. O my heart sings today by
0. O now I see the crimson wave by
0. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded by Hans Leo Hassler
0. O safe to the Rock that is higher than I by William Orcutt Cushing
0. O Say, Can You See, By the Dawns Early Light by
0. O soul, are you weary and troubled? by Helen H. Lemmel
0. O Spread The Tidings 'Round by William J. Kirkpatrick
0. O That Will Be Glory by Charles H. Gabriel
0. O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus by Thoro Harris
0. O the unsearchable riches of Christ by
0. O Thou in Whose Presence by
0. O what a wonderful Savior by
0. O What A Wonderful, Wonderful Day by
0. O Worship the King by Johann M. Haydn
0. O, How I Love Jesus by Author Unknown
0. Of Jesus love that sought me by
0. Of the Fathers Love Begotten by
0. Ofttimes the day seems long by
0. On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross by George Bennard
0. On Jordans Stormy Banks by
0. On the Cross of Calvary by
0. Once I was bound by sins galling fetters by
0. Once In Royal Davids City by
0. Once in sins darkest night by
0. Once on a cross there hung in sorrow by
0. Once to Every Man and Nation by John Zundel
0. One Day by Charles H. Marsh
0. One day I traveled a toilsome road by
0. Only Trust Him by John H. Stockton
0. Onward Christian Soldiers by Arthur S. Sullivan
0. Open My Eyes, That I May See by Clara H. Scott
0. Open Our Eyes by Maranatha
0. Open Our Eyes, Lord by Robert Cull
0. Our Father, which art in heaven by Albert Hay Malotte
0. Our Great Savior by don wyrtzen
0. Out in the Highways and Byways of Life by George S. Schuler
0. Out of My Bondage, Sorrow, and Night by George C. Stebbins
0. Over the hilltops, down from the skies by
0. Pass Me Not by William H. Doane
0. Patiently, tenderly pleading by
0. Pentecostal Power by Charles H. Gabriel
0. Power In The Blood by Lewis E. Jones
0. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow by Genevan Psalter/ Thomas Ken
0. Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Old by
0. Praise Him! Praise Him! by Fanny J. Crosby
0. Praise the lord! Ye Heavens, Adore Him by Rowland H. Prichard
0. Praise the one who breaks the darkness by Author Unknown
0. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty by Joachim Neander
0. Praise ye the Father for His lovingkindness by
0. Praise Ye the Triune God by Friedrich F. Flemming
0. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven by Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847), 1834
0. Precious Lord, take my hand by George N. Allen
0. Raised from Death to Love and Living by
0. Ready by Charles D. Tillman
0. Ready to suffer grief or pain by
0. Redeemed Butler by
0. Redeemed Kirkpatrick by
0. Rejoice, The Lord is King by John Darwall
0. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart by Arthur H. Messiter
0. Rescue The Perishing by Gene Bartlett
0. Revive Us Again by John J. Husband
0. Ring the Bells of Heaven by George F. Root
0. Rise and Be Healed by
0. Rise Up, O Church of God by Author Unknown
0. Rise, O Church, and lift your voices by
0. Rock Of Ages by Martin J. Nystrom
0. Room at the Cross by Ira F. Stanphill
0. Sanctifying Power by
0. Satisfied by SonicFlood
0. Saved by Grace by
0. Saved, Saved! by Jack P. Scholfield
0. Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us by William B. Bradbury
0. Search me, O God, and know my heart today by
0. Seek ye first the kingdom of God by Karen Lafferty (1972)
0. Send a Great Revival by B. B. McKinney
0. Send the Light by Charles H. Gabriel
0. Sent Forth By Gods Blessing by
0. Shackled by a heavy burden by William J. Gaither
0. Silent Night! Holy Night! by Franz Gruber (1818)
0. Since I Have Been Redeemed by Edwin O. Excell
0. Since I started for the Kingdom by
0. Since I started out to find thee by
0. Since Jesus Came into My Heart by Charles H. Gabriel
0. Sing Hallelujah by Maranatha
0. Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above by Johann J. Schutz, trans. by Frances E. Cox
0. Sing the wondrous love of Jesus by Emily D. Wilson
0. Sing them over again to me by Philip Paul Bliss
0. Sing with All the Saints in Glory by Ludwig van Beethoven (1824)
0. Singing I Go by
0. So long of thirst my weary soul did languish by
0. So precious is Jesus, my Savior, my King by Charles H. Gabriel
0. So Send I you by Grace Made Strong by
0. Softly And Tenderly by Rick Foster
0. Soldiers of Christ, Arise by Charles Wesley
0. Someday the Silver Cord Will Break by
0. Something Beautiful by William J. Gaither (1971)
0. Song for the Nations by Chris Christensen
0. Soon And Very Soon by Luke Garrett
0. Sound the Battle Cry by
0. Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart by Frederick C. Atkinson
0. Spirit of the Living God by Michael Baughen, Daniel Iverson (1926)
0. Spirit Song by John Wimber (1979)
0. Springs of Living Water by
0. Stand Up and Bless the Lord by Aaron Williams
0. Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus by George Duffield
0. Standing On The Promises by R. Kelso Carter, 1886
0. Stepping in the Light by William J. Kirkpatrick
0. Still Sweeter Every Day by
0. Such Love by Graham Kendrick
0. Sunlight, Sunlight by
0. Sunshine in My Soul by John R. Sweney
0. Surely Goodness and Mercy by John W. Peterson
0. Sweeping This Way by
0. Sweet are the promises; kind is the Word by
0. Sweet By-and-by by
0. Sweet Hour of Prayer by William W. Walford
0. Sweet Will of God by Mrs. C. H. Morris
0. Sweet, Sweet Spirit by Doris Akers
0. Sweeter as the Years Go By by
0. Take My Life and Let It Be by Frances Ridley Havergal
0. Take the Name of Jesus with You by William H. Doane
0. Take the world, but give me Jesus by
0. Take Time To Be Holy by George C. Stebbins
0. Teach My Thy Way, O Lord by
0. Tell It to Jesus by Edmund S. Lorenz
0. Tell Me the Old, Old Story by William H. Doane (1869)
0. Tell Me the Stories of Jesus by Frederic A. Challinor
0. Tell Me the Story of Jesus by John R. Sweney
0. Tell the Blessed Story by
0. Thanks to God whose Word was spoken by Peter Cutts, b. 1937
0. That Beautiful Name by
0. That God should love a sinner such as I by
0. The Battle Is the Lords by
0. The Birthday of a King by William Harold Neidlinger
0. The blessed Jesus loved me by
0. The blood that Jesus once shed for me by
0. The blood that Jesus shed for me by Andraé Crouch
0. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power Crouch by
0. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power Martin by
0. The Bond of Love by Otis Skillings
0. The Churchs One Foundation by
0. The Cleansing Wave by
0. The Closer I Walk by
0. The Comforter Has Come by William J. Kirkpatrick
0. The Cross Is Not Greater by Ballington Booth
0. The cross that He gave me be heavy by
0. The cross upon which Jesus died by Ira F. Stanphill
0. The Crystal Fountain by
0. The Eastern Gate by
0. The Family of God by William J. Gaither
0. The First Noel by Traditional English Carol
0. The Gift of Love by Hal Hopson (1971)
0. The God of Abraham Praise by Daniel ben Judah tr/ad by Thomas Olivers
0. The haven of rest by Geo. D. Moore
0. The kingdom of God is justice and joy by Bryn Austin Rees
0. The Light of the World Is Jesus by
0. The Lily of the Valley by William S. Hays
0. The Longer I Serve Him by William J. Gaither
0. The Lord Bless You and Keep You by Peter Christian Lutkin
0. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want by
0. The Lord Jehovah Reigns by
0. The Lords My Shepherd by
0. The Lords our Rock; in Him we hide by
0. The Lords Prayer by Ivory Sessions
0. The Love of God by Frederick M. Lehman
0. The Old Rugged Cross by George Bennard
0. The Savior has come in His mighty power by
0. The Savior Is Waiting by Ralph Carmichael
0. The Servant Song by Richard Gillard
0. The Solid Rock by Glad
0. The Song of the Soul Set Free by
0. The Star-Spangled Banner by
0. The Trees of the Field by Stuart Dauermann
0. The trusting heart to Jesus clings by
0. The Vision Of A Dying World by Author Unknown
0. The Way of the Cross Leads Home by Charles H. Gabriel
0. The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin by Philip P. Bliss
0. The Wonder Of It All by Brent Bourgeois and Michael W. Smith
0. Then I Met Jesus by
0. There has not failed one word of all His promise by
0. There have been names that I have love to hear by
0. There Is a Balm in Gilead by
0. There is a coming day by
0. There Is a Fountain Filled With Blood by William Cowper
0. There Is A Name I Love to Hear by Author Unknown
0. There Is A Place of Quiet Rest by
0. There Is A Redeemer by Melody Green
0. There is a stream that flows from Calvary by
0. There is One who loves me by
0. There is sanctifying power by
0. There is strength in the name of the Lord by
0. There Shall be showers of Blessing by Daniel W. Whittle
0. Theres a blessed and triumphant song by
0. Theres a call comes ringing oer the restless by
0. Theres a Great Day Coming by
0. Theres a land that is fairer than day by
0. Theres a peace in my heart by
0. Theres a Song in the Air by
0. Theres a sweet and blessed story by
0. Theres a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place by
0. Theres A Wideness In Gods Mercy by
0. Theres not a friend like the lowly Jesus by
0. Theres Something About That Name by
0. Theres sunshine in my soul today by
0. Theres the wonder of sunset at evening by
0. Theres within my heart a melody by
0. They who know the Savior shall in Him by
0. Thine Is the Glory by George Frederick Handel
0. This Is like Heaven to Me by
0. This Is My Fathers World by
0. This Is The Day by Les Garrett
0. This Is Thy Will, I Know by
0. Thou Art Worthy by Pauline Michael Mills
0. Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne by Emily E.S. Elliot
0. Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace by Robert Witty
0. Thou, my everlasting portion by Silas J. Vail
0. Thou, Whose Purpose Is to Kindle by
0. Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire by Hal H. Hopson
0. Though the angry surges roll by William Clark Martin
0. Though the way we journey may be often drear by
0. Til the Storm Passes By by
0. Tis Marvelous and Wonderful by
0. Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung by
0. To God Be the Glory by William H. Doane
0. To Jesus every day I find my heart is closer by
0. Trust and Obey by Daniel B. Towner
0. Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior by William J. Kirkpatrick
0. Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus by Helen H. Lemmel
0. Under His Wings by Ira D. Sankey
0. Under the Atoning Blood by
0. Unsearchable Riches by John R. Sweney
0. Up Calvarys mountain one dreadful morn by
0. Upon lifes boundless ocean by
0. Victory All the Time by
0. Victory In Jesus by E. M. Bartlett
0. View the Present Through the Promise by
0. Walking in sunlight all of my journey by George H. Cook
0. Walking in the Kings Highway by
0. We All Are One in Mission by
0. We Are Called to Be Gods People by
0. We Are Gods People by
0. We are one in the bond of love by
0. We are standing on holy ground by
0. We believe in God the Father by Timothy Dudley-Smith (1926-);'
0. We Bring the Sacrifice by
0. We Come, O Christ, to You by John Darwall (1770)
0. We Dedicate This Temple by
0. We find many people who cant understand by
0. We gather here in Jesus name by
0. We Gather Together by Glad
0. We Give This Child to You by Charles Lockhart (1792)
0. We Have An Anchor by
0. We Have Come Into His House by Bruce Ballinger
0. We have hear the joyful sound by
0. We Praise Thee, O God by John J. Husband
0. We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer by Julia Bulkley Cady Cory
0. We shall see the desert as the rose by
0. We Shall See the King Someday by
0. We Three Kings by John H. Hopkins, Jr. (1857)
0. We Will Glorify by Twila Paris; arr. by Tom Fettke
0. Well Work till Jesus Comes by
0. Were Marching to Zion by
0. Were You There by African American Spiritual
0. Weve a Story to Tell to the Nations by
0. What a Day That Will Be by Jim Hill
0. What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine by Elisha A Hoffman and Anthony J Showalter
0. What A Friend We Have In Jesus by Charles C. Converse
0. What a wonderful change in my life has been by
0. What a Wonderful Savior by Elisha A. Hoffman (1891)
0. What can wash away my sin? by Robert Lowry
0. What Child Is This? by William Chatterton Dix
0. What wondrous love is this by
0. When all my labors and trials are oer by
0. When I am burdened, or weary and sad by
0. When I saw the cleansing fountain by Margaret J. Harris
0. When I See the Blood by
0. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross by Lowell Mason
0. When I travel the pathway so rugged and steep by
0. When in Our Music God Is Glorified by Charles V. Stanford
0. When Israel out of bondage came by
0. When Love Is Found by
0. When morning gilds the skies My heart by Katholisches Gesangbuch tr/ad by Edward Caswall &a
0. When my earthly day is waning by
0. When my lifework is ended by
0. When pangs of fear seized on my soul by
0. When peace like a river attendeth my way by Horatio Gates Spafford
0. When the Church of Jesus by Ralph Vaughan Williams
0. When the Roll is Called Up Yonder by James M. Black
0. When the toils of life are over by
0. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound by James Milton Black
0. When upon lifes billows you are tempest-tossed by
0. When We All Get to Heaven by Eliza E. Hewitt and Emily D. Wilson
0. When We See Christ by
0. When we walk with the Lord by John Henry Sammis
0. Where cross the crowded ways of life by Frank Mason North
0. Where He Leads Ill Follow by
0. Where He Leads Me by J. S. Norris
0. Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is by Inner City
0. Where They Need No Sun by
0. While by the sheep we watched at night by
0. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Nahum Tate
0. Whiter Than Snow by Carman
0. Who can cheer the heart like Jesus by Thoro Harris
0. Whosoever Heareth, Shout, Shout the Sound! by Philip P. Bliss
0. Whosoever Meaneth Me by J. Edwin McConnell
0. Whosoever Will by Philip P. Bliss
0. Why Should He Love Me So? by
0. Why should I feel discouraged by Civilla Durfee Martin
0. Will your anchor hold in the storms of life by William J. Kirkpatrick
0. Wonderful by
0. Wonderful Grace of Jesus by Haldor Lillenas
0. Wonderful Peace Cooper by
0. Wonderful Peace Lillenas by
0. Wonderful Savior by
0. Wonderful Story of Love by J. M. Driver
0. Wonderful Words of Life by Philip P. Bliss
0. Worship Christ, the Risen King by
0. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness by Author Unknown
0. Would you be free from your burden of sin? by
0. Would you live for Jesus by Cyrus S. Nusbaum
0. Wounded For Me by
0. Ye Ransomed Sinners, Hear by
0. Ye Servants of God by William Croft
0. Years I Spent In Vanity and Pride by Daniel B. Towner
0. Yes, Lord, Yes by Lynn Keesecker
0. Yield not to temptation for yielding is by Horatio Richmond Palmer
0. You have longed for sweet peace by Elisha A. Hoffman
0. You shall go out with joy by
0. You who are troubled and burdened by sin by
0. Your Love Compels Me by
0. 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus by LouÂiÂsa M. R. Stead, 1882
468. I Have Decided To Follow Jesus by Promise Keepers