Songs With Meter 8 8 8 or Similar
"Take Up Your Cross," the Savior Said'Tis Finished! The Messiah Dies
'Tis Midnight! and on Olive's Brow
'Tis the Church Triumphant Singing
'Tis winter now; the fallen snow
A debtor to mercy alone Of covenant
A heavenly splendor from on high
A light from heaven shone around
A little Child the Saviour came The
A Shout Rings Out, A Joyful Voice
All hail, adored Trinity
All hail, ye little Martyr flowers
All mankind fell in Adam's fall
All People That on Earth Do Dwell
All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord
All praise to Thee Eternal Lord
All Praise to You, My God, This Night
All Things Are Yours
Almighty Father bless the Word Which
Almighty Father heaven and earth With
Almighty Father, Covenant God
Almighty Father, who dost give
Almighty God Thy lofty throne
Almighty God, who from the flood
An awe-full mystery is here
An image of that heavenly light
And Can It Be That I Should Gain?
And did those feet in ancient time
Arise, My Soul, Arise
Arise, O God
Arise, Shine Out, Your Light Has Come
Arm of the Lord awake awake Put on
Arm these Thy soldiers mighty Lord With
Around the throne of God a band
As Moses Raised the Serpent Up
As now the sun shines down at noon
Asleep in Jesus Blessed sleep
At even when the sun was set The sick
At even, ere the sun was set
At Jesus' feet our infant sweet
Author of faith eternal Word Whose
Awake awake fling off the night for God
Awake my soul and with the sun Thy daily
Awake our souls away our fears Let every
Awake, awake: fling off the night!
Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun
Babylon Streams Receive Our Tears
Baptized into Your Name Most Holy
Be Present at Our Table, Lord
Be present, holy Trinity
Be Still And Know
Because He Died and Is Risen
Before Jehovah's awful throne Ye nations
Before the ending of the day Creator of
Before the Lord's eternal throne
Before the Throne of God Above
Before Thy throne I now appear
Bless Thou the Gifts
Blessed Be the Name
Blest are the moments, doubly blest
Blest by the sun, the olive tree
Blest is the man forever blest Whose
Blest Martyr, let thy triumph-day
By Christ Redeemed
By Grace I Am an Heir of Heaven
Carol of the Epiphany
Children of the Heavenly Father
Christ hath a garden walled around
Christ Is Alive
Christ is alive Let Christians sing
Christ Is Alive!
Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing
Christ, Who Is in the Form of God
Clothe Yourself, My Soul, with Gladness
Come dearest Lord descend and dwell
Come gracious Spirit heavenly Dove With
Come Holy Ghost Creator blest Vouchsafe
Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire
Come let us sing unto the Lord
Come O Creator Spirit come
Come Quickly, LORD, to Rescue Me
Come Thou Redeemer of the earth And
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire
Come, Holy Ghost, with God the Son
Come, Holy Spirit, Dove Divine
Come, O Creator Spirit, come
Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast
Come, thou Redeemer of the earth
Creating God your fingers trace
Creating God, your fingers trace
Creator of the earth and skies
Creator of the earth and skies To whom
Creator of the earth and sky
Creator of the starry height Thy peoples
Creator of the stars of night
Creator of the world, to thee
Crown Him King of Kings
Dear Jesus, in Whose Life I See
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
Descend, O Spirit, purging flame
Earth's mighty Maker, whose command
Eternal Glory of the sky
Eternal God beyond All Time
Eternal God, May We Be Free
Eternal light, shine in my heart
Eternal Monarch, King most high
Eternal Power, whose high abode
Exalt the Lord His praise proclaim
Exalt the LORD, His Praise Proclaim
Faith is a living power from heaven
Faith of Our Fathers
Father in heaven, who lovest all
Father of heaven whose love profound
Father we thank Thee for the night
Father whose everlasting love Thy only
Father, in whom thy saints are one
Feed Thy children God most holy
Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deep
Fight the good fight with all thy might
Finished the strife of battle now
Fling out the banner let it float Sky
For One Great Peace
Forever settled in the heavens
Forth in the peace of Christ we go
Forth in Thy name O Lord I go My daily
Forth in Your Name, O Lord, I Go
Fountain of grace rich full and free
From all that dwell below the skies Let
From east to west, from shore to shore
From every stormy wind that blows
From heaven above to earth I come
From heaven high I come to you
From heaven the Lord with searching
Give Thanks to God
Give to Our God Immortal Praise
Give Us Clean Hands
Glorious the day when Christ was born
Glory be to God the Father
Glory to Thee my God this night For all
Glory to thee, who safe hast kept
Go labour on spend and be spent Thy joy
Go, labor on; spend, and be spent
God in the Gospel of His Son Makes His
God is the refuge of his saints When
God loved the world so that He gave
God of all power and truth and grace
God of Gods, We Sound His Praises
God of Love and Truth and Beauty
God of our strength enthroned above
God of the earth the sky the sea Maker
God's Holy Ways Are Just and True
God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven
Great God we sing Your mighty hand
Great God, Your Love Has Called Us
Greet Now the Swiftly Changing Year
Hark tis the Shepherd's voice
Have Mercy in Your Goodness, Lord
He Leadeth Me
He Lifted Me
He sat to watch o'er customs paid
He Walks among the Golden Lamps
He wants not friends that hath thy love
Hear Us, O People, Hear Our Plea
High in the heavens eternal God Thy good
High Word of God, who once didst come
Higher Ground
His cheering message from the grave
Hosanna to the living Lord
How Blest Are They Who Trust in Christ
How Blest Are Those Who Fear the LORD
How good is the God we adore Our
How Great Our God's Majestic Name
How oft, O Lord, thy face hath shone
How shall the young direct their way
I am alone your God and Lord
I Am Not Skilled to Understand
I come to Thee O blessed Lord Invited by
I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
I know that my Redeemer lives O the
I Waited for the Lord Most High
I Waited Patiently for God
I Will Exalt My God and King
I'll Live for Him
I'll Praise My Maker
If You Will Trust in God to Guide You
In Bethlehem a newborn boy
In Christ Alone (My Hope Is Found)
In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came
In the Singing
In You, O LORD, I Put My Trust
Into My Heart
It is a thing most wonderful
It is a thing most wonderful Almost too
Jehovah reigns let earth be glad And all
Jesus and shall it ever be A mortal man
Jesus Calls You Now
Jesus Is the Song
Jesus Shall Reign
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Jesus Thou joy of loving hearts Thou
Jesus Thy blood and righteousness
Jesus wherever Thy people meet
Jesus, Redeemer of the World
Jesus, the Father's only Son
Jesus, the very thought is sweet
Jesus, the Virgins' Crown, do thou
Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me
Just As I Am
Just as I am, without one plea
Kind Maker of the world
King of the martyrs' noble band
Kingdoms and thrones to God belong
Lamb of God
Let God who called the worlds to be
Let the round world with songs rejoice
Let There Be Light!
Let Us Draw Near!
Let us talents and tongues employ
Lift up lift up your voices now The
Lift Up Your Heads
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky
Lo God is here let us adore And own how
Lo round the throne a glorious band
Lo, golden light rekindles day
Lo, round the throne, a glorious band
Look there! the Christ, our Brother
Lord God we all to Thee give praise
Lord help us ever to retain The
Lord Jesus Christ be present now Our
Lord Jesus Christ my Life my Light my
Lord Jesus Christ true Man and God
Lord Jesus Christ we humbly pray
Lord Jesus Christ with us abide For
Lord keep us steadfast in Thy Word
Lord my weak thought in vain would climb
Lord of all being throned afar Thy glory
Lord of all being, throned afar
Lord of the home your only Son
Lord of the Sabbath hear us pray In this
Lord open Thou my heart to hear
Lord speak to me that I may speak In
Lord Thou hast searched me and dost
Lord, as I wake, I turn to you
LORD, Hear My Prayer and Let My Cry
Lord, I Was Blind
Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word
Lord, make us servants of your peace
Lord, Speak to Me
Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak
Lord, Speak to Me, That I May Speak
Lord, thou hast searched me and dost know
Lord, We Praise You
LORD, You Have Searched Me
Maker of man, who from thy throne
Martyr of God, whose strength was steeled
More About Jesus
Most Holy God, the Lord of heaven
Most holy Lord and God of heaven
Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth
My dear Redeemer and my Lord I read my
My God and is thy table spread And doth
My God how endless is thy love thy gifts
My God, and is thy table spread
My God, my God, and can it be
My God, thy table now is spread
My Heart Speaks Out on Those Who Sin
My Hope Is Built
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
My song for ever shall record The tender
My soul doth magnify the Lord In God my
Nature with open volume sounds (stands)
Nature with open volume stands
New Every Morning Is The Love
New every morning is the love Our
Not always on the mount may we
Now Christ the sinless Son of God
Now Holy Spirit, ever One
Now in the name of HIm who sent
Now is the healing time decreed
Now lay we calmly in the grave This form
Now let us all with one accord
Now Let Us from This Table Rise
Now let us sing our praise to God
Now Praise the Hidden God of Love
Now praise we Christ the Holy One
Now that the daylight fills the sky
Now to the Lord a noble song Awake my
O bless our God with one accord
O blessed day when first was poured
O blessed Holy Trinity Divine eternal
O Blessed Spring
O blest Creator of the light
O blest Creator, source of light
O blest the house whatever befall
O boundless Wisdom, God most high
O breath of God breathe on us now
O Christ our King Creator Lord
O Christ our true and only light
O Christ the Healer we have come
O Christ Who art the Light and Day Thou
O Christ! Come Back to Save Your Folk
O Christ, our joy, to whom is given
O Christ, the Healer
O Christ, the healer, we have come
O Christ, who art the Light and Day
O Christ, you are both light and day
O Church, Arise
O come and mourn with me awhile
O come loud anthems let us sing Loud
O Come, O Come, Immanuel
O day of peace that dimly shines
O faithful God thanks be to Thee
O Give the LORD Wholehearted Praise
O glorious King of martyr hosts
O glorious Maid, exalted far
O God by whose almighty plan
O God great womb of wondrous love your
O God of God O Light of Light
O God of love O King of peace Make wars
O God of Love, O King of Peace
O God of mystery and might great Mover
O God of truth, O Lord of might
O God Thou art my God alone Early to
O God, creation's secret force
O God, Great Father, Lord and King
O God, Most Holy Are Your Ways
O God, thy loving care for man
O God, thy power is wonderful
O God, thy soldiers' crown and guard
O God, Who Gives to Humankind
O God, whose loving hand has led
O God, your constant care and love
O Gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ
O Happy Day That Fixed My Choice
O happy day, when first was poured
O heavenly Word, eternal Light
O Holy Spirit, by whose breath
O Holy Spirit, Root of Life
O Jesus at Your altar now
O Jesus blessed Lord to Thee
O Jesus Christ, from thee began
O Jesus Lamb of God Thou art
O Jesus Lord of heavenly grace
O Jesus Sweet, O Jesus Mild
O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
O Jesus, kindly Lord, to thee
O Jesus, Savior of mankind
O kind Creator, bow thine ear
O King Eternal, Sovereign Lord
O let the heart beat high with bliss
O Light of light, by love inclined
O Light of Light, Love given birth
O Lord most high with all my heart
O Lord Most High, eternal King
O Lord Thou Judge of all the earth
O LORD, Come Quickly; Hear Me Pray
O love how deep how broad how high
O love of God how strong and true
O love of God, how strong and true
O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
O Love, How Deep
O Love, How Deep, How Broad
O love, how deep, how broad, how high
O Master, it is good to be
O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
O Mighty Cross
O Paschal feast what joy is thine
O saving Victim, opening wide
O Savior Jesus, not alone
O Savior of our fallen race
O Saviour rend the heavens wide Come
O Son of God, eternal Love
O Spirit of the living God in all the
O splendor of God's glory bright
O splendour of God's glory bright
O Thou that hearest when sinners cry
O Thou to Whose all searching sight
O thou who camest from above
O thou who gavest power to love
O thou who makest souls to shine
O thou whose all redeeming might
O Trinity most blessed Light O unity of
O Trinity of blessed light
O vision blest of heavenly light
O wherefore do the nations rage
O Wondrous Sight! O Vision Fair
O wondrous type! O vision fair
Of Zion's honour angels sing
On earth has dawned this day of days
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
Our Father throned in heaven above
Our thanks and praise to Thee be given
Pour out thy Spirit from on high
Pour out Thy Spirit from on high Lord
Praise God from Whom All Blessings
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise God, You Servants of the LORD
Praise Lord for thee in Zion waits
Praise the Lord Our God
Praise the Savior
Rebuke Me Not in Anger, LORD
Receive, O Lord, in heaven above
Redeemer of the nations, come
Rejoice O land in God thy might His will
Rejoice ye people homage give
Rejoice, O land, in God thy might
Rejoice, the Lord of life ascends
Rejoice, the year upon its way
Renew thy church, her ministries restore
Renew Your Church, Her Ministries Restore
Ride on Ride on in Majesty In lowly
Righteous and Just Is the Word of Our Lord
See, Christ Was Wounded for Our Sake
See, Father, thy beloved Son
Send Forth Your Word, O God
Shout for the blessed Jesus reigns
Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns
Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!
Sing now with joy unto the Lord
Sing to the Lord a joyful song Lift up y
Sing we triumphant hymns of praise
So truly as I live God saith
Soldiers of Christ, in Truth Arrayed
Some day the silver cord will break
Song of Mary
Soul adorn thyself with gladness
Spirit of God that moved of old
Spirit of God, Unleashed on Earth
Spirit of mercy truth and love O shed
Spirit of mercy, truth, and love
Stand up my soul shake off thy fears
Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now
Sunset to sunrise changes now
Sweet Hour of Prayer
Sweet is the work my God my King
Take Up Thy Cross
Take up Thy cross the Saviour said
Take Up Your Cross
Teach me O Lord Thy holy way
Teach me O Lord thy way of truth
Teach Me, O Lord, Your Way of Truth
Tell the Good News
That day of wrath that dreadful day
That day of wrath, that dreadful day
That Easter day with joy was bright
The call of God resounding
The Church of Christ, in Every Age
The dawn is sprinkling in the east
The day draws on with golden light
The death of Jesus Christ our Lord
The ends of all the earth shall hear
The eternal gifts of Christ the King
The fast, as taught by holy lore
The flaming banners of our King
The fleeting day is nearly gone
The Gift of Love
The glory of these forty days
The glory of these forty days We
The God whom earth and sea and sky
The golden sun lights up the sky
The Gospel shows the Father's grace
The great forerunner of the morn
The growing limbs of God the Son
The happy Christmas comes once more
The heavenly Word proceeding forth
The heavenly Word, proceeding forth
The heavens declare Thy glory Lord
The hymn for conquering martyrs raise
The Lamb's high banquet called to share
The Lamb's high banquet we await
The Law commands and makes us know
The law of God is good and wise
The Lone Wild Bird
The Lord has heard and answered prayer
The Lord is come! On Syrian soil
The Lord is King lift up thy voice O
The Lord is King! lift up thy voice
The Lord reigns clothed in strength and power
The Lord whom earth and sea and sky
The Lord's our Rock in Him we hide
The Lord's Prayer
The man who once has found abode
The Old Ship of Zion
The praises of that Saint we sing
The radiant sun shines in the skies
The Risen Christ
The royal banners forward go
The royal banners forward go The cross
The Saint who first found grace to pen
The sinless one to Jordan came
The Solid Rock
The star proclaims the King is here
The sun's last beam of light is gone
The tree of life my soul hath seen
The whole bright world rejoices now
The winged herald of the day
The Wonderful Cross
The Word of God proceeding forth
The Word whom earth and sea and sky adore
Thee God we praise Thy name we bless
Thee we adore eternal Lord We praise Thy
These things did Thomas count as real
They come, God's messengers of love
Thine honour save O Christ our Lord
This Child We Dedicate to Thee
This day at Thy creating Word First over
This day the first of days was made
This is my will my one command that love
This this is the God we adore
Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace
Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire
Thus far the Lord hath led me on Thus
Thy little ones dear Lord are we
Tis midnight and on Olive's brow The
To God my earnest voice I raise
To God with the Lamb and the Dove
To shepherds as they watched by night
To us a Child of royal birth Heir of the
To You Before the Close of Day
Twas on that night when doomed to know
Twin princes of the courts of heaven
Unless the Lord the house shall build
Unto Thy temple Lord we come With thank
We all believe in one true God Maker
We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder
We Bless the Name of Christ the Lord
We bless Thee Jesus Christ our Lord
We bring our children Lord today
We bring our children, Lord, today
We cannot measure how you heal
We cannot measure how you heal or answer
We have a gospel to proclaim
We have a gospel to proclaim Good news
We have a sure prophetic Word
We Look Behind at All You've Done
We praise we worship Thee O God
We sing the praise of him who died
We Worship Round This Table
What God Ordains Is Always Right
What Shall I Render to the LORD
What shall we offer our good Lord
What star is this, with beams so bright
What thanks and praise to thee we owe
When Cain Killed Abel
When Christ our Lord had passed once more
When Christ's appearing was made
When Christ's appearing was made known
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
When in the hour of deepest need
When in the hour of utmost need We know
When Israel Fled from Egypt Land
When Israel out of Egypt went
When Israel through the desert passed
When Jesus Wept
When Jesus wept, the falling tear
When Love Is Found
When love is found and hope comes
When pain and terror strike by chance
When to our world the Savior came
When to our world the Saviour came
Where charity and love prevail
Where cross the crowded ways of life
Where high the heavenly temple stands
Where the appointed sacrifice
Where wilt Thou go since night draws
Whoever Shelters with the LORD
Whom Shall I Send?
Why, impious Herod, should'st thou fear
Wise Men, They Came to Look
With broken heart and contrite sigh
With glory clad with strength arrayed
Within a Crib My Savior Lay
Wonder of Wonders
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Ye Christian heralds go proclaim
Ye clouds and darkness, hosts of night
Ye parents hear what Jesus taught
Yea as I live Jehovah saith
You Are Worhty
You Servants of the LORD Our God
Your love O God has called us here
Your Love, O God, Has Called Us Here
Your Supper, Lord, Before Us Spread