Songs With Meter 66 66 or Similar
A safe stronghold our God is stillAs comes the breath of spring
Beyond all mortal praise
Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow
Come to the Savior Now
Father of all, to thee
Hail, O star that pointest
Hills of the north, rejoice
Hushed was the evening hymn
I Am the Holy Vine
I hunger and I thirst
I Worship You, O LORD
In Unity We Lift Our Song
Jerusalem on high
Jesus, meek and lowly
Let Earth Rejoice!
Long ago, prophets knew
Lord of the worlds above
Lord, as the day begins
Lord, bring the day to pass
My spirit longs for thee
Not So in Haste, My Heart
Now is eternal life
O God, My Faithful God
O LORD, You Are My Light
O thou not made with hands
Our Parent, by Whose Name
Our World Belongs to God
Sweet sacrament divine
The grace of life is theirs
The merits of the Saints
There is a blessed home
There's A Song In The Air
Thou art the Christ, O Lord
Thou, Lord, hast power to heal
Thy way, not mine, O Lord
To thee our God we fly
We give immortal praise
We love the place, O God
We Sing to You, O God