Songs by Greek
- O Gracious Light, Lord Jesus Christ composed by Greek Hymn, Para. F. Bland Tucker, Thomas Tallis
- O Light, Whose Splendour Thrills composed by Greek Hymn, para. Garl P. Daw Jr.
- O Laughing Light, O First-Born of Creation composed by Greek
- Behold the Bridegroom cometh composed by Greek, ca. eighth century;
- Christian, dost thou see them composed by Greek, seventh century;
- Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright composed by Greek, attributed to Joseph the Hymnographer, nin
- O King enthroned on high composed by Greek, eighth century;
- Hail, gladdening Light composed by Greek;
- The King shall come when morning composed by Greek tr/ad by John Brownlie
- Let Thy blood in mercy poured Let Thy composed by Greek tr/ad by John Brownlie
- O gladsome light O grace composed by Greek tr/ad by Robert Seymour Bridges
- Hail gladdening Light Of His pure glory composed by Greek tr/ad by John Keble