1 Worthy is the Lamb who died in awesome grief;
Worthy is the Lamb who saved a dying thief.
Worthy is the Lamb to make up for my fall;
Yes, worthy is the Lamb, praise God, He is all!
2 Worthy is the Lamb who paid the price of death;
Worthy is the Lamb who gave my soul its breath;
Worthy is the Lamb to grant my life the call;
Yes, worthy is the Lamb, praise God, He is all!
3 Worthy is the lamb, though dead all else should be;
Worthy is the Lamb to live in you and me;
Worthy is the Lamb to take our bitter gall;
Yes, worthy is the Lamb, praise God, He is all!
4 Worthy is the lamb to live my life alone;
Worthy is the Lamb to make my soul His own;
Worthy is the Lamb to change our lives, like Paul;
Yes, worthy is the Lamb, praise God, He is all!