1 This is the three-fold truth
On which our faith depends;
And with this joyful cry
Worship begins and ends:
Christ has died! Christ is risen!
Christ will come again!
2 Made sacred by long use,
New-minted for our time,
Our liturgies sum up
The hope we have in Him:
Christ has died! Christ is risen!
Christ will come again!
3 On this we fix our minds
As, kneeling side by side,
We take the bread and wine
From Him, the Crucified:
Christ has died! Christ is risen!
Christ will come again!
4 By this we are upheld
When doubt or grief assails
Our Christian fortitude,
And only grace avails:
Christ has died! Christ is risen!
Christ will come again!
5 This is the three-fold truth
Which, if we hold it fast,
Changes the world and us
And brings us home at last:
Christ has died! Christ is risen!
Christ will come again!