1 I've found the pearl of greatest price!
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ is mine!
Christ shall my song employ.
I've found the pearl of greatest price!
My heart doth sing for joy;
And sing I must, for Christ is mine!
Christ shall my song employ.
2 Christ is my Prophet, Priest, and King;
My Prophet full of light,
My great High Priest before the throne,
My King of heav'nly might. (Refrain)
3 For he indeed is Lord of lords,
And he the King of kings;
He is the Sun of Righteousness,
With healing in his wings. (Refrain)
4 Christ is my peace; he died for me,
For me he shed his blood;
And as my wondrous Sacrifice,
Offered himself to God. (Refrain)
5 Christ Jesus is my all in all,
My comfort and my love;
My life below, and he shall be
My joy and crown above. (Refrain)Text Information:
A user writes: The hymn dates from 1683. This hymn is #261 in The New Christian Hymnal (published 1929) by Rev. H.J. Kuiper (which was used as basis for the PSH).