1 Up through endless ranks of angels,
cries of triumph in his ears,
to his heavenly throne ascending,
having vanquished all their fears,
Christ looks down upon his faithful,
leaving them in happy tears.
2 Death-destroying, life-restoring,
proven equal to our need,
now for us before the Father
as our brother intercede;
flesh that for our world was wounded,
living, for the wounded plead!
3 To our lives of wanton wandering
send your promised Spirit guide;
through our lives of fear and failure
with your power and love abide;
welcome us, as you were welcomed,
to an endless Eastertide.
4 Alleluia! Alleluia!
O to breathe the Spirit's grace!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
O to see the Father's face.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
O to feel the Son's embrace!