1 A man there lived in Galilee
unlike all those before,
for he alone from first to last
our flesh unblemished wore;
a perfect life of perfect deeds
once to the world was shown,
that all who see might mark his steps
and in them plant their own.
2 A man there dies on Calvary
above all others brave,
all human-kind to save and bless--
himself he scorned to save.
No thought can gauge the weight of woe
on him, the sinless, laid;
we only know that with his blood
our ransom-price was paid.
3 A man there reigns in glory now,
divine, yet human still;
that human which is all divine
death sought in vain to kill.
All power is his; supreme he rules
the realms of time and space;
yet still our human cares and needs
find in his heart a place.