1. Hallelujah! raise, O raise
To our God the song of praise;
All His servants join to sing
God our Savior and our King.
2. Blessèd be forevermore
That dread Name which we adore;
Round the world His praise be sung
Through all lands, in every tongue.
3. O’er all nations God alone,
Higher than the heav’ns His throne;
Who is like to God most high,
Infinite in majesty!
4. Yet to view the heav’ns He bends;
Yea, to earth He condescends;
Passing by the rich and great,
For the low and desolate.
5. He can raise the poor to stand
With the princes of the land;
Wealth upon the needy shower;
Set him with the high in power.
6. He the broken spirit cheers:
Turns to joy the mourner’s tears;
Such the wonders of His ways;
Praise His Name, forever praise!