Cue Sheet - Draft Order

2019Nov24 10:00
Sunday Worship - Baptism (Adult and Child)

Worship Song / Chorus: What A Beautiful Name

Call to Worship

Jason Silver

Worship Song / Chorus: Who You Say I Am

Bob Boutilier

Carl Bull

Offering: Give Me Jesus (Worship Song as offeratory)
Carl Bull

Prayers of the People: Prayer Time
Carl Bull

Baptism: Baptism Pre-Amble
Bob Boutilier

Worship Song / Chorus: Christ Be All Around Me
Baptism: Adult Baptism
Bob Boutilier

Scripture: Zechariah 4: 6 New International Version
Erin Boisvert

Sermon/Message: God Gives the Increase
Erin Boisvert

Worship Song / Chorus: Waymaker Video

Baptism: Student Baptism
Erin Boisvert

Comments: Closing Thoughts
Bob Boutilier

Children's Moment: Ringing of the Bells for Nan Chabot
Karen Snider